[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZCrkic.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DtnixpY.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Experience:[/b] 88/30 ([i]Level up available[/i]) [b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i]) [/center] After hunting down the last of the Poes, Rubick and Sectonia received their rewards. Rubick laid claim to the sticker, noticing its interesting abilities, and allowed Sectonia to claim the others. Immediately placing the sticker onto the inside of his robe, he then examined the new ability granted to him. Web Wrap... The "Tape Jam" status effect... Rubick found it to be somewhat of a situational ability, and the accuracy rate was abysmal, but any additional tool on his proverbial belt wouldn't hurt. After all, it would be pathetic for him to be called the Grand Magus if he couldn't find a use for any ability he could find. Making his way back to the Seekers, Rubick cheerfully entered the Hive, already used to the experience of entering dangerous area after dangerous area. Walking into what looked to be a giant beehive wasn't anything special at this point. If anything, it gave him an idea of what to expect. He could even see some of the creatures now. It looked like some of the larger bugs had superiority over the smaller ones, and even used some robotic bugs to enforce their rule. Apparently the way things were done never changed across societies. At the mention of the word "stealth", Rubick couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle. "[color=limegreen]Stealth? Since when did a group like ours ever employ such a tactic? Lady Sectonia is right, our current roster isn't fit for that,[/color]" Rubick agreed. Twirling his staff, Rubick added, "[color=limegreen]Just say the word, and we can start the diversion.[/color]"