Rain lights up as she sees a friendly face. Bai! "Heeeeeyyyyyy!" A bull's charge of a hug, a titanic squeeze, with her sandwich carefully kept free of flying apart, and she's hanging out with her friend! Which is so much better than hanging out on her own, at least right now. Sometimes alone is good, but not right now, in the wee bits of the night, this is for projects or sleep or lazy talks with friends or... other things with friends that are not appropriate! For this situation! Bai is really cute though. She's wondered. But not asked. Asking is much more than wondering. She's careful to focus on her improved metaphor game and not on how she was alone, or why she was alone. But she's not alone anymore. And that means we can take all those creeping dark thoughts, and [i]stuff[/i] them into a jar! And then you throw the jar out a window! A metaphorical window that would not be littering and wouldn't endanger anybody below. She frowns halfway through taking a bite out of her sandwich, as the odd hour and Bai's presence combine. "Wait, why are you up this late? I'm all unemployed and wandering, you have respectable people business hours to keep. Everything okay?" And that's the best fix for your problems, deflect and focus on other people's problems, works great up till it stops working but the plates are spinning still, she's a genius and nothing will go wrong this time, totally.