[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/irN6cNK.png[/img][/center][@Rune_Alchemist] [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Raineh Daze] With a laugh, Kaida looked over at Akira, who tried to forcibly move Nyoko, with no success. The contented feline stayed put on the keyboard, heedless of the string of gibberish she made appear across the screen, her fluffy belly exposed. [color=53C6FF]"Aw, but look how happy they both are!"[/color] Kaida's gaze flicked from Nyoko to Emi, whose lips twitched as if she were struggling not to smile. [color=53C6FF]"Go on, pet her! You know you want to! And hey, we've got to celebrate our victory somehow!"[/color] They'd all just narrowly escaped a collapsing building, and that was far from the only close call this branch had ever had. It only made sense to make the most of being alive. Tiny sparks caught her attention. Nyoko had her paw pressed against the computer monitor, a mischievous glint in her eyes, the warning obvious. [color=53C6FF]"I think she's saying pet her or the computer gets it,"[/color] Kaida told Emi. If Nyoko went through with it, they'd likely all get in trouble for allowing it to happen and have to chip in for a replacement, but it was worth it for the chance of seeing Emi give in to her barely-concealed cuteness adoration.