[quote=@Lord Wraith] I can't wait to have to fight Reaper Replicators... [/quote] And it could've been much worse. Had I been playing a Metarch, the fanciest AI at the Forerunner's disposal, you'd have Replicators potentially creating copies of their ships. The same ones that have the following weapons... [quote]x28 Converging Beam Cannons: Converging beam cannons are directed-energy weapons that fire lances of exotic energy upon enemy vessels and provide a path for follow-on antimatter streams, which destroy everything they touch. The energy fires can be curved toward targets using delicate strands of invisible force and tracing pathways, usually wielded by a Warrior-Servant operator. The weapon's energy can be varied, though more powerful beams have a less smooth motion as even Forerunner science was unable to contain the destructive energy of the weapon. x300 Light Mass Fusillade Cannons: Light mass fusillades fire a mestastable form of hard light, allowing them to deal both thermal and kinetic damage to targets upon impact. In the hands of a skilled gunner, they can be used to crush, cut and scorch an enemy target with brutal efficiency. x1 Torsion Driver: Torsion drivers are a kind of weapon system employed aboard Forerunner warships. Torsion drivers are gravitic emitters (presumably emitting torsion fields) that can be employed as a delicate tool or a crude scalpel as the situation permits; in battle, they use their gravity generation to push and pull portions of enemy craft beyond the limits of their shielding and structural supports with discordant harmonies. This action rips apart the target vessel and exposes its vulnerable systems to concentrated fire by other weapons. Grapplers can be used in a similar manner to torsion drivers, though lack the power and range necessary for shearing enemy warships. [/quote] Comparatively, the Reapers are cannon-fodder. Granted, a Metarch would probably be able to reliably contend against the Replicator network since they were designed to do the following... [quote]Metarch-class ancilla, or more simply Metarchs, were a class of hyper-advanced ancillas created by the Forerunners to serve the Ecumene Council, and served to administer significant portions of the Ecumene's day-to-day operations. Their exclusive nature meant that by law, only five such examples were ever in existence at any given time. As part of their operation, a given Metarch-class ancilla governed an enormous network of lesser ancilla and monitors known as a Metarchy These networks and their commanding Metarchs were tasked with the most large and complicated construction projects and were tightly constrained by law.[/quote] But still. Forerunner ships and the like aren't ones you want replicated. And I haven't even gotten into their slipspace BS. It gets even crazier if you use the rest of the retconned 343 lore.