[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 04/100[/color] [color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 37/60[/color] Location: Vandelay HQ Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 04/100[/color] [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 38/60 [/color][/indent] [/center] After Goldlewis’s display, all of the Seekers were finally given a moment to breathe at a bar called the Seventh Heaven. It was a little…common, for Karin’s tastes, so she ended up just drinking some water. It had been an interesting day. Karin wondered how successful it had been. They succeeded in temporarily thwarting Vandelay’s plan that they didn’t even know was happening. And Desperhado was completely destroyed, which wasn’t an outcome that was preferred considering they were trying to help Sandalphon take it over. Sandalphon, who was new to the operation, asked for a debrief. [color=fff200]”I suppose I can fill you in.”[/color] Karin said after a moment. [color=fff200]”The Seekers operate out of a massive headquarters called Alcamoth. I have only ever been once, but it is quite the operation. The goal of the Seekers is to locate and destroy the thirteen Guardians that grant Galeem invincibility. I believe the Seekers have destroyed four already.”[/color] Karin said. [color=fff200]”There is also a group of interlopers who operate on Galeem’s behalf known as Consuls. They typically go by a single letter for their name. What their methods and goals are still remain somewhat unclear. Only none of it is good: to my eyes they bring chaos wherever they go. We had one turn an entire town against us before we even got there.”[/color] Karin explained, interlacing her fingers and crossing one leg over the other. [color=fff200]”Let’s see…you know about Friend Hearts and Fusions. Right now we are attempting to locate the Guardian of this area of the World of Light. Our leads on this front are scarce. Our only source of information is probably an untrustworthy one, very likely one of the Consuls themselves in some bizarre act of betrayal or politics or perhaps just madness.”[/color] Karin said, then going onto explain the details of what Happy Chaos told them. [color=fff200]”Apparently Mister Roxas is confident he can open any door in our way but, he currently isn’t with us. I believe that covers everything. Let me know if you have any questions. I will say I am not exactly a veteran member of the Seekers myself.”[/color] Karin admitted.