[center][color=ed1c24]Danny Foster[/color][/Center] [right]New Bark Town, Morning[/right][hr] While Danny was glad that parents drove him to New Bark Town yesterday and thus saved him from a long boring walk, he had barely been able to sleep. Not only did he have to spend the night in an unknown city but he would go on a Pokemon Journey. At least it was with the Champion which would no doubt make things easier and since it was a prize Danny had no doubt the League would handle things like food and transport instead of making them walk. So he stayed in bed trying to at least get some sleep until he had barely enough time to get dressed and head to the meeting spot. Once he was outside he let Hades out of his Pokeball. As expected the Houndour was much more excited than his trainer and ran around. [color=ed1c24]"Now, don't go running of okay?"[/color] Danny scratched Hades behind the ears and headed in the direction of Route 29, occasionally checking his Pokegear to make sure he was going the right way. That quickly turned out to be unnecessary both due to how small New Bark Town was and the fact several people were headed the same way to see the Champion. When he finally arrived at his destination Danny was a bit surprised that the Champion was alone, even New Bark residents staying a fair bit away. What he found even odder was that there was no sign of a car or food or anything he had expected to see. Nervously he approached Isaac, Hades more interested in his Blaziken. [color=ed1c24]"Ehm excuse me sir, I'm one of the lottery's winners, Danny Foster. If you don't me asking where is the car?"[/color] While his Trainer was talking Hades ran up to Blaziken, tail wagging, clearly wanting to play with the much stronger Fire-type Pokemon. [hr] Interacting with/Mentioning: Isaac