[centre][img]https://i.postimg.cc/G2gWJ2WH/My-project-1.png[/img][/centre] Sophia’s heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nerves as she found herself now sitting across from the Director. His leather shoes clacking against the floor earlier had unnerved her, the sound echoing through the room mimicking her heartbeat. She was used to quiet moments, yet somehow, she still felt entirely out of her comfort zone. To calm herself down, the girl tried to focus her gaze on five small details of the room as she’d been taught before—the patterns in the wood, the way the light streamed through the window, the bolded nameplate on the desk, the phone positioned near it, and, finally, back to the director’s face. It didn’t work. Nonetheless, when the director finally chose to speak, she mustered a small, polite smile in response, her emerald, green eyes managing to meet his. She listened carefully as he explained the reasons for her temporary isolation, her fingers tracing the sunflower pendant hanging around her neck out of habit. His words were measured, and his discomfort in this situation was evident. She empathized with his unease, knowing that this was a new experience for both. The Director spoke of her group getting to know each other in the recreation room, and "Sunny" nodded softly, absorbing his words. She understood the reasoning behind the approach, though the thought of meeting the others made her heart race just a little faster. Sophia's attention drifted as the Director fell silent. It was clear he was deep in thought, and she felt it was best to give him the time he needed to collect his words. Besides, she had a feeling that if she tried to speak right now, her voice might fail her. When he did finally choose to speak, however, she found herself sitting straighter in her chair, her eyes moving to the other person in the room to whom she could finally put a name. Agreeing silently with the Director's guidance, Sophia pushed herself up from the chair's comfort and fell into step behind Grant. His confident strides set the pace as they ventured down the corridor, her mind a whirlwind of anticipation and curiosity. The Recreation Room loomed ahead, a realm of possibility where introductions and impressions awaited. The girl’s thoughts took on a life of their own, spinning scenarios of acceptance and skepticism. She wondered about the judgments her newfound peers might pass on her. Would they dismiss her because her abilities seemed unassuming, overshadowed by more overt powers? The doubt threaded through her thoughts, tugging at her self-assurance. Her gaze dropped involuntarily to her outfit, a fleeting moment of self-consciousness creeping in. A soft cringe lifted the corners of her lips as she observed her choice. The green floral dress, a testament to her affinity for the natural world, suddenly felt like an unspoken statement. Perhaps, she pondered, it wasn't the best attire for this moment. But earlier, when she had chosen it, the dress had felt like an extension of herself—comfortable and genuine. As they neared the Recreation Room's entrance, Sophia's fingers brushed against the delicate fabric of her dress. She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the interactions that awaited. As the door swung open, she stepped forward with a mixture of nervousness and a hint of excitement. The former feeling increased dramatically once she heard the doors slam behind her. Sophia's gaze flicked around the room, the faces before her seeming to blur together. A pang of unease gnawed at her, urging her to seek refuge in a quiet corner. She needed a place where she could sit, maybe even blend in, and fade away from this spotlight of uncertainty now on her. The doubts she'd pushed aside while saying goodbye to her parents now surged back, relentless, and overwhelming, and it took everything within her to keep her facial expression checked. Her fingers instinctively clenched at the edges of her dress, a physical anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within her. The fabric offered a familiar reassurance, a tactile connection to her own presence amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces and unspoken judgments. Summoning a flicker of determination, Sophia navigated through the crowd, her steps guided by a silent need for solace. And then she found it, a sanctuary in the form of an unoccupied seat tucked away in a corner. It was a refuge inviting her to lower her head, gather her thoughts, and take a moment to collect herself. With a small sigh of relief, the anxious girl settled into the seat, her fingers finally releasing their grip on her dress. She lowered her head, her blonde hair forming a gentle curtain, shielding her from the world for a moment. The table in front of her seemed like a lifeline, a safe space where she could regroup and steady her nerves. At least for now.