[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (89/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] [color=92278f]"I see no point in stealth, the less enemies, the easier leaving this place will be."[/color] Sectonia said, and upon saying that, got started on the frontal assault. She started by summoning her antillions, which if the guards weren't looking at the group before, they sure were now as they saw Sectonia's summoning portals. But considering the royal was out for blood (and loot), and she much preferred the bees over the wasps asthetically, she opened up by causing the chaos she often did in a battlefiel. Making and throwing her large rings of light that just went in a general direction, they for the most part waved, weaved, zig, zagged, and zoomed through the hive. The bee workers would be unharmed, but the wasps would be enraged as these attacks went at them. Their agility made dodging through the ring of light barrage easier due to Sectonia's lack of control on them, although a couple as they approached got caught off guard by the mild homing properties of the ring thanks to the smart worm. While melee based wasps couldn't really approach Sectonia due to her barrage of attacks, ranged attackers could still hit the intruding bee queen. Due to her size, she herself couldn't really dodge these ranged attacks that well either, but summoning her Chaos Shield greatly, greatly reduced the damage these did as her antillions advanced onto them. The queen herself would also advance forward, spitting out more projectiles if any wasps got near her, and with the others help things wouldn't be nearly as bad as they could be. Since Sectonia and her minions basically caused chaos, attacking whatever wasps came around, this also aggroed the miniboss of the area, the Heavy Drone B-33 and its Bee Boops. While the Bee Boops were not too much of a problem, either shooting their honey shots at Sectonia's antillions or rushing towards the group and dying to the bruisers of the group or even an antillion as they got frozen solid, the same couldn't be said about the Heavy Drone. Unlike the bee boops, it was far tankier, and hit much harder with its missiles and its laser sweeps. It was big, and couldn't really dodge that well unlike the wasps, but it made up for it with its ability to deal damage and tank hits. These missiles attacked anyone in the group, with the Heavy Drone B-33 having no concept of what was more threatening, instead just shooting its missiles at every hostile unit it could see at random. While this made it easier for the group, as these missiles would either take out an antillion or target Sectonia or Bowser, they could also target the less tanky members of the group if not intercepted. Even then, its laser sweeps would also cause mild explosions around the hive and damage anyone who got hit by them. [color=92278f]"Rush forward and deal with these weaklings."[/color] Sectonia said at Bowser as she gave him and Ganondorf Haste, giving them some breathing room with her projectiles. This was for sure causing quite the distraction for the wasp forces, and while tanky, the Heavy Drone couldn't withstand attacks from all of them. As one of Sectonia's light rings hit it, it started to have some of its heavy armor drop off. This made it more threatening, as it had lost some of its defense, but now with its much greater mobility it could more reliably dodge the errant projectile from Sectonia, and even though it was a bit lighter, it was still quite a large object and upon seeing the distraction team advance, decided to meet them head on with a thruster boosted charge, wiping out any antillion it came into contact with as it charged the group.