Okay, so I am working on an opening IC post. IT should be up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm kind of anxious to get things rolling, but anyone else interested in playing is still welcome to join in! There's no reason we can't have new characters catch up to us on the road. [quote=@Blizz]-snip-[/quote] Oh, very interesting. I like Katrina. It'll be interesting to see how her worldly cynicism plays out with the rest of the group. She is a fair bit older than I would have thought -- and kind of at odds with the 'naive kids on a deadly adventure' vision that I started with -- but I think that dynamic might actually work well. It's kind of on me for not setting a cap on age in the first place, and it's not as if there's any particular reason for Osric to insist that his volunteers be young. I imagine he's happy to get anyone at all. I do have to insist that you come up with some connection, either to an existing character or to one that hasn't been posted yet. It doesn't have to be a particularly deep or meaningful connection; it can really be anything. But: Tentatively accepted! You can go ahead and post her up in the CS tab, and just edit in a connection later. [@HiippoAF] Are you still planning on posting a CS? No big rush or anything, but it has been a couple of days.