Raven's soul-self winced when it smacked Supergirl away. Black Adam was so good at using them against each other. They were used to working with other heroes, but they weren't exactly used to working together. They at least knocked the Reverse Flash out of the fight. They may have been down two Kryptonians, but Black Adam was now on his own. When he dove for Raven, her soul-self reacted immediately and placed her hand around her as a protective cocoon while she dealt with Black Adam personally. She couldn't stand cowards. Especially a coward that would pick on children. Raven's fury manifested as shadowy tendrils emitting from her soul self to wrap around his wrists and ankles to hold him in place. Even if she succeeded in grabbing him at all her Soul-Self would emit an eldritch blast from its eyes directly at him. [hr] [i]Dammit. Me and my big mouth.[/i] Virgil would've thought if he could hear anything over those damn laughing bells. Psimon had trapped him in some kind of nightmare illusion of what used to be his favorite game show. Once he was out of this he was gonna kick his ass. [i]Focus, Virg. Escape now. Revenge later.[/i] "Sorry, Steve, but I'm leaving. The other team can have the money." Virgil closed his eyes and focused on the bioelectrical rhythms of his brain. They were off, a clear sign that he was in fact in an illusion. He did some readjustments to his brainwaves and botta bing botta boom he's out of there. The world around him started to shatter like glass before he found himself falling into darkness. He could see a light below him and found himself landing in a church back in Dakota City and instead of his costume he was wearing a choir robe. "Of course there'd be layers." The choir around him began to sing loudly while the pastor hooted and hollered while the congregation started to shout and run around excessively. The more the choir sang, the less sense everyone had. "Yeah, no. I gotta get out of here." He closed his eyes and repeated the process from before. Shattering this reality and dropping down to the next and final one. He could feel it. This time he appeared on the stage of Wild N'Out in the middle of Wild Style. Virgil was momentarily distracted by the Wild N'Out girls for a moment until he snapped back to reality. Well, almost. DJ DWreck kept ringing the bell at the worst lines and he couldn't take it anymore and after all of this he was starting to think Psimon was racist. Instead of simply just breaking the illusion Static decided to give some payback with Psimon's own medicine. When he broke free of the final illusion Static sent feedback putting Psimon in an illusion of his own. He would fall to the floor and start seizing just like Static was earlier, but inside his mind Psimon would be reliving the events and games of the Squid Games. Static stood up, annoyed and angry. Fortunately the three idiots were still focused on trying to break in so they didn't even notice how the tables had turned yet. He took Psimon's advice from earlier and attacked them without words sending a blast of electricity to Shimmer's back to knock her out and a blast to Gizmo's tech to make him useless here.