[CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/the-emperors-new-groove-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230706/614d37090e631462f411f81d6099a45b.png[/img][/url][/CENTER] The bandits look ashamed when Mabel pointed out that receiving the gold coin was more than what they came in to begin with. Upon hearing her suggestion about the green poncho wearing peasant relaying the message, he answered, "[color=39b54a]Of course. I'm willing to bring the message to the Emperor,[/color]" When Ariel asked about why they were armed, the disgruntled peasants abashedly hid their weapons and started whistling innocently. When Ariel apologized for attacking them, they looked surprised for a moment before they waved if off, "Ah, it's fine. Your senses were actually on point, anyways," "Yeah, and it wasn't as bad as what we could have gotten from the Emperor," At this, the green poncho wearing peasant looks surprised and simply asks, "[color=39b54a]What?[/color]"