[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 8: 08/80 Word Count: Location: Home of Tears Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 09/80 + something idk ill math later[/center] [hr] Jesse had never stealthed a day in her life. When she caught up to the others the battle had begun and she was going to get involved. These wasps were pretty intense- it was kind of like how she imagined wasps would be if they were as smart as humans. Zealots dedicated to the cause of their queen. [i]This is pretty fucked up.[/i] Jesse said with a frown watching some wasps kill themselves for a power up. Jesse engaged with the heavier wasps on the ground. Thanks to her Levitation and Evasion, she could ruin a bruiser’s day. Even if they did manage to land a hit, she was capable of using the Health Elements they dropped to recoup some of the losses. When she beat one group, she usually had a chance to Seize the survivor and use them to help her in the next bout, giving her a bit of snowballing momentum as she engaged with the others against the wasp infantry.