[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230814/a33805d67c1c08f90150bc92326a7d5c.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent] Katrina had gone back to the Forlorn Hope for a bit to consider what that Osric guy has said. She made her decision over a cup of beer that tasted like watered down grog and tasted half as strong. She thought these people would be a bit less pitiful, but they were in just as sorry and sad a state as her journey all the way to these damn mountains. If anyone was going to deal with demons, they may as well have had an expert that didn't spend all her days holed up in some monastery. Katrina trudged her way down to the center of the village. She was a bit more rugged in her appearance- Katrina wore a long leather [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc2%2F50%2F78%2Fc250789f2766aeffd9903f04c9f6d3fb--medieval-coat-clary-and-jace.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f2e792ce7171b23b30c0d39779016edb4472a3b2a1a04e5461b13df55cc2c05d&ipo=images]cloak[/url] with an occasional tattered bit of damage around the edge. Under it, she wore a rough fabric shirt and thick worker's gloves. She showed very little skin in general. She had a somewhat large satchel slug around her side and a sheathed dagger on her left hip. As she approached the two horses, Katrina saw Osric and some... Literal child talking to him while armed with a bow and arrows. They were talking to each other like they knew one another. Katrina approached them. She lowered the hood of her cloak and they could now see her face. Faint scars littered the corners of her face. But the more striking thing was her uncannily blood-red eyes, which made one's spine feel a chill when they made eye contact. She wasn't particularly tall, but something about her felt... Ominous. [color=red]"What in Heaven's damned name is there a kid on this pilgrimage of yours for?"[/color] She asked, as she made her presence properly known. [color=red]"Heard about your plan to take that cup to the priory. I've been that way before, and you damn sure aren't surviving between the two of you. Name's Katrina. Came to keep you from getting yourself killed past the barrier."[/color] Her arms were crossed, and she had something of a resting bitch face going on. Not a particularly soft atmosphere to give off for first impressions. [/indent]