[quote=@Benzaiten] [@Excession] Would love to talk and get a sheet up. Might need some assistance with a backstory too. Since my tree is a Necromancer, are they born or do they choose their magic in a sort of study way? [/quote] Okay, so- Crantiré seeds spend a few weeks in a nutrient rich pot before being transferred to a Nursery Grove with around 19 other saplings. After a few months, the Worldcap's mycorrhizal network connects to their roots and they're woken within the Dream Of The Forest; a kind of simulated reality, a shared dream of the Forestmind where their nascent souls can interact. Here they are visited by mature Crantiré to educate them, and they spend around fifteen years dreaming while their body matures, learning everything they need and choosing specific fields of education. Time is different in dreams, afterall. Magical talent is innate, no learned, but still benefits from education. In the Dream you can only learn theory but the saplings bloom at fifteen years. You can also choose whether you'll be a Spriggan or a Dryad while growing. Once you uproot yourself, you'd go have a group naming ceremony where you choose your name and are welcomed to the Wood. Then you'll go on to further education in your Pattern of Magic, but there aren't many Crantiré Necromancers so for your character that's a lot of independant study. You could develop your own School - a focus on a particular use of Necromancy that makes you really good at some things and weak at one specific thing, for example: The Revolver Exorcist School is very good at banishing ghosts and killing undead, but bad at raising them. The Lemarchand Advocate School is really good at manifesting ghosts and talking to them, but bad at hurting people. The Iresne Navigator School is great at navigating the World Without Sun and dealing damage, but bad at animated bonework machines.