[h2]Akira[/h2] Akira winced at the sudden discharge, and she most definitely did [i]not[/i] whimper. She wasn't [i]that[/i] bad against pain or--no, wait, yes she was, this was why her role in missions was preferably to [i]stay well away from combat[/i] wherever it was possible. On top of being pretty much harmless, obviously, but the bit where even tripping and bruising really hurt? No, that wasn't any good at all. Still, the girl gave a shrug, "I prefer to do the reports first. Shiro-chan's resting, anyway, and if I was just going to look at my phone it doesn't matter when I do that..." Plus, it wasn't like they had a big, thriving culture of operatives, here. Between Emi, who'd get expressions at the weirdest of times; the boss, who she'd been unable to turn down on those few times the woman had decided that some special occasion called for drinks; and her,... well, not exactly a group with a ton in common, or the most social one. Hard to get together and do much when three of you would just keep to yourselves and finish working first, wasn't it?