[@Hammerman] [@Silverstein] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hider=Lost Children] [color=Dodgerblue][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FyAjhOF.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2KtgaGA.png[/img] [color=Dodgerblue][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐⭐ [b]Reward[/b]: 2000G [b]Assigned Reavers[/b] [sup] [color=00aeef]Leon[/color], [color=lime]Renee[/color], [color=goldenrod]Lanus[/color], [color=aba000]Haaselle[/color] NPC(s): [color=8882be]Rozemyne[/color] [/sup] [b]Inventory[/b]: None [/indent] [/cell][cell][b]Description[/b] [color=Dimgray][indent] A couple of the local folk are reporting that their children have gone missing in the underground waterways below Morgenröte. Enough time hasn’t actually passed for the police to conduct a missing person search, but due to the concern of strange creatures being known to appear the parents are insisting that something be done to find the kids as soon as possible. The police state that the creatures that have appeared usually aren’t that dangerous to the populace, attempting to calm the concerns of the folk, but it hasn’t done much to persuade them. Hence, Eon has been requested. A photo of the kids has been provided. [img]https://i.imgur.com/V1bIZoP.jpg[/img] [/indent][/color] [color=0076a3][b]Rana’s Notes[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][indent] "I admit, I myself have also played in that old waterway back when I was little. You’d think they take better care in placing prohibitions from allowing youngsters to play there in the first place. I’ve never run into anything too dangerous down there that I can recall. Then again, I could still use magic even back then, and I presume these kids can’t since it wasn’t mentioned in the report. So, I’d say we should attend to this one as soon as possible if we’ve the manpower to spare. Especially since the so-called authorities don’t wish to be of help…" [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] With Renee currently crippled from PTSD, Lanus had to step up the pace as he summoned his dryad spirit to weaken the swarming arachnids. Being purified from the inside, they easily fell to his Fae blade. Leon had begun to make short work of the horde of spiders as well, having entered a mode that boosted he capabilities thanks to the fell grimoire he had entered into a “contract of sorts with. Uninterested with the little critters, Haaselle shot a blast against the fallen fae, making a snide remark at his proclamations. Her aim was to assist Roze, who was currently deadlocked with their main foe. Unfortunately, she would find that her shot wouldn’t connect, as his large eight-legged summon had blocked the blast for him. The beast was shaken, but it was certainly not out. It shot out a large net webbing that while covering a wide area, Hasselle and Leon had enough time to dodge or counter thanks to their capabilities. Lanus would have to stave off his attack to dodge as well, however, the corrupt spirit seemed to have made the gambit with purposeful intent. Following its cunning predatory instinct, it used the web netting to create an opening to make a charge at Renee, who was still reeling from her trauma. Even with their speed, it didn’t seem as though they would have enough time to protect her from the creature’s deadly maw. Nearly on her, its serrated jaws nearly reached Renee’s throat when…it suddenly stopped in its tracks. Having oddly stopped its advance, its last action was a pained screech before it dissipated into tiny wisps that scattered and disappeared into thin air. The party turned to see that the fallen fae was bleeding out across his chest, along with his body beginning to freeze over. Standing a bit in front of him was Roze, who had cut him down with a blade of ice, it dripped with fetid black blood. It seemed that the Triad Witch had won the day. [b]”W-What have you…doneee…!”[/b] He said, speaking in pain, rugged breaths. His voice still sounded like a freakish static that was trying and failing to mimic a human’s voice. Roze did not reply to his question, answering with only a stoic silence. Parts of his body began to turn into a disgusting pus, with frozen chunks of his decayed flesh falling onto the ground. With the last of his strength, he held out a hand as he limped toward Roze with a final effort to rend her. Roze pointed out her index and middle finger, preparing to fire another icy bolt to finish him off. However, before she could, a golden arrow had pierced the rotted fae’s head. He fell completely silent and froze in place, with his body then fully disintegrating into ash. [color=8882be]”What?”[/color] Roze said, surprised by the blessed bolt. [color=8882be]”Who are you?”[/color] As the party looked at where Roze was speaking, on a platform high above them stood another fae. Thankfully, she was utterly untainted, unlike their now deceased spider-loving friend. Before them was [url=https://imgur.com/QK7yoTD]a fae woman with long and elegant hair. She wore an elaborate green dress complete with a cowl. She stood with a nearly perfected sniper stance, her beautiful bow still shimmering with the energy from the shot she fired.[/url] Lanus and Renee, and perhaps even Leon, would instantly recognize that her regal garb marked her as someone who was among the Fae Queen’s highest ranking defenders. More importantly, the party would see the two missing children standing close to her. They were safe! [color=8dc73f]”Finally took out that scoundrel! ”[/color] She said. [color=8dc73f]”I’ve been hunting him for days, it’s disgraceful that I’ve allowed him to get this far into the human city. But, excuse my manners, my name is Giselle Kostovii. I’m what you’d refer to as a deepwood sniper.”[/color] [color=8882be]”I see. Well, thanks for that.”[/color] She responded. Noticing Renee in her stupor, she quickly went over to where she was, placing her hands on her shoulders. [color=8882be]”Are you alright, Renee?”[/color] Roze said, her voice full of gentle concern. [color=8882be]”I saw you tense up, thankfully I was able to cut that lost soul down. Taking out the summoner also takes out the summon. Well, Giselle was the one to actually land the killing blow…”[/color] Roze then jumped up to where Giselle and the kids were with an aiding gust. [color=8882be]”I’m Rozemyne Levina. You know, I think Arteus mentioned you.”[/color] She said. [color=8dc73f]”Indeed, I came here to meet with him and learn more about Eon Tower. I meant to meet with you sooner.”[/color] Giselle said. [color=8dc73f]”However, chasing after our friend there took precedence.”[/color] She said, looking over at the ashen remains of their foe. [color=8dc73f]”I believe Arteus mentioned you as well, you’re been a part of the Tower for a while, correct? I suppose you came here hunting after that fallen fae as well?[/color] [color=8882be]”Ah, actually, we knew nothing about him. We actually came looking for these missing kids, we happened upon him totally by happenstance.”[/color] [color=8dc73f]”I see, well, what say we get the little ones home first, then talk later.”[/color] With that, Roze picked up the young boy while Giselle picked up the little girl, and both jumped back down to where the party was. Giselle, upon looking at the rest of Roze’s party, glared at Lanus with wide-eyed ire. She looked as if she would throw the little girl into the air and attack him at a moment’s notice! Thankfully, she didn’t act on her visible anger, though Lanus would feel her dagger-like gaze on him the whole trek back to the surface. Meeting with the authorities, the parents of the children were present as well. The children had a tearful embrace with them, and both they and the law enforcement on the scene thanked the team of reavers. Giselle also explained that she had mopped up the rest of the arachnid nest within the sewer, so the locals wouldn’t have to worry about any eight-legged freaks prowling around looking for food. With all said and done, the reavers were free to head back to the Tower, or roam around town for a little while and explore Morgenröte if they so wished. However the fae couple could make a decision, Giselle finally confronted Lanus, her furious expression meeting him dead in the eyes. [color=8dc73f]”Lanus Retily, you lecherous dastard!”[/color] She snapped. [color=8dc73f]”I shouldn’t be surprised that someone with Irvin’s shady character would bring [i]you[/i] into his ranks! I should fire 20 bolts into that shameful behind of yours![/color] Roze shot a confused, if austere, look toward both of them. [color=8882be]”You two know each other?”[/color] [color=8dc73f]”Tragically.”[/color] She said. [color=8dc73f]”You’ve no idea what your nonsense had done to the queen’s image! All the unsavory rumors we had to quell, all the gossip we had to endure…”[/color] [color=8882be]”Umm, perhaps we could discuss what this is within the confines of the Tower. I’d…rather not draw unnecessary attention on the streets…”[/color] She turned to Leon for a moment, curious about something. : [color=8882be]”By the way, Leon, I meant to ask you what that strange ability you used back there was? I also saw runes glow up on your body; you were moving like a blur, almost like you were teleporting. Mainly, it felt like there was something…off about your mana.”[/color] [hr] [@Polaris North] [@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree] [hider=An Intriguing Escort] [color=Hotpink][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nglksSW.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DvVbTze.jpg[/img] [color=Hotpink][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐⭐ [b]Reward[/b]: 4000G [b]Assigned Reavers[/b] [sup] [color=fff200]Shavis[/color], [color=springgreen]Einer[/color], [color=a36209]Hector[/color] NPC(s): [color=00aeef]Ruecian[/color][/sup] [b]Inventory[/b]: None [/indent] [/cell][cell][b]Description[/b] [color=Hotpink][indent] “Greetings and Salutations! My name is Imre Dorothea Molnar, a local noble in The Republic. I’m contacting the Eon Tower to request an escort for a business trip I’m going on today. My destination is a large trading village that’s not too far from town. However, due to the increasing reports of monster attacks that seem to be springing up as of late, I’d feel safer about traveling if I had an escort to see that my trek there goes safely. I’ve heard you recently defeated a powerful abomination and purified the area it contaminated, so I feel confident that you’re the right people for the job. I do hope to hear from you all soon! ” [/indent][/color] [color=0076a3][b]Rana’s Notes[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][indent] "Ah. Well, it seems that the previous mission I was involved with you on had garnered the Tower with some recognition. It’s probably good that someone affluent like this had taken notice, as they usually pay well for requests answered. If you’re wanting more funds, I’d definitely suggest taking this one. Of course, I can think of [i]other[/i] reasons as to why Lanus perhaps would love to take this mission." [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] The reavers would, for the most part, find themselves not too much difficulty in dealing with their attackers. Although, Einer would find that they were a bit more well trained than the thieves they found outside the plant on his previous mission. Einer was on the receiving end of an axe strike, with it grazing his forehead and leaving a small scar. Thankfully, Hector took out his foe and rescued him in the process. The rifleman was making good use of his new weapon, compliments of a gritty old smithy. The assailant who’s arm he blew a hole in groaned in pain, but he was able to get back up and was able to conjure a magic-generated smokescreen from his good palm. Using it as a distraction, he was able to deck Hector in the face, sending him to the ground and knocking his rifle out of his hand. He attempted to jump on the downed noble, but Hector was fast enough to move out of the way. However, he was now disarmed and at a disadvantage. Although the man was still bleeding out and looked very pale, perhaps it wouldn’t be too hard to finish him off. The scimitar wielder was still writhing in pain from has his eye and sword arm torn up. Meanwhile, Shavis’ gut blow connected with the spearman, however she would find out that the spear had been enchanted with wind magic, which sent her and the man flying back from each other’s attacks. The Shavis clone pouncing on the man with the red weapon would find herself being burned by the fire magic the weapon was able to generate. However, she was able to shock the man into paralysis and deliver a decisive strike nonetheless. Things went a bit differently with the man wielding the blue glowing weapon. In a fit of desperation, the man let loose a frosty blast in the hopes of blowing the clone back. However, instead he ended up freezing himself along with the clone. While he was now effectively finished, Shavis’ clone was now essentially useless. Both the real Shavis and the spearman quickly got back on their feet, but before the feline Belua could mount a counter the spearman was already on her with surprising speed. He attempted to pierce her through her abdomen to return the favor, but she was able to barely dodge thanks to her feral instincts. It left a sizable scar on her gut, but thanks to her biology it would only feel like a little sting. The other three attackers that went after Hector and Einer were now closing in. One of them who wielded twinblades charged at him and began to swing at him, which Hector was able to dodge quickly enough. The other two, however, would find themselves being blown back by an azure blur. It was Ruecian, who was able to step in and assist them. [color=00aeef]”Those were some fancy moves with that rifle of yours.”[/color] He said. [color=00aeef]”But like I said, don’t take this fucks lightly!”[/color] One of the men who were blown back by Rue’s ice blast had pulled out a talisman of sorts. Channeling his mana through it, he was able to call a summon from it. The creature generated was [url=https://imgur.com/KTtBM0h] a large and sinister looking centipede monster. It hissed with a disgusting screech.[/url] [color=00aeef]”Shit!”[/color] Rue spat. [color=00aeef]”Mizuchi, come to me!”[/color] He said, calling forth his own summon to meet the monstrous spirit. They began to clash, their fighting causing the ground to rumble a bit. The other downed brigand was beginning to pull out a weapon that looked like a gun, and began pointing it at Einer… [hr] [@Enkryption] [hider=The Bad Boy Boars] [color=Dimgray][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/a3IURWW.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [hider=Pigs of Culture][img]https://i.imgur.com/njEAUMF.png[/img][/hider] [color=Dimgray][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐ [b]Reward[/b]: 1000G [b]Assigned Reavers[/b] [sup] [color=00ccff]Scarlett[/color], [color=BDD3E9]Lupina[/color] NPC(s): [color=f26522]”Xashan”[/color] [/sup] [b]Inventory[/b]: None [/indent] [/cell][cell][b]Description[/b] [color=Dimgray][indent] The west back alleyways of The Republic are known to the locals and law enforcement as being the stomping grounds of a certain group of renegade Belua gang. They usually engage in common thievery, strong-arming the locals into their hair-brained schemes, and being general nuisances to the public. The local authorities would usually have no trouble in dealing with them, but because they’re so many of them it’s hard to stamp out their presence entirely. The local authorities have asked for assistance from Eon specifically to deal with them. Of note, the Belua that make up this gang all have characteristics similar to those of wild boars. [/indent][/color] Brun hovered a bit over Rana, as she read and showed the report. [color=fff79a]”Ms. Rana, in this part of the report, you as the organizer would leave your personal notes in this section. These can be helpful little tips given from your personal pool of knowledge or experience. Sometimes, this is also filled in by other members of the staff, but it would fall to you by default.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Oh? I see. I understand…”[/color] [color=0076a3][b]Rana’s Notes[/b][/color] [color=0076a3][indent] "I’ve heard of this gang of cronies a few times. I’ve never paid any attention to them, only seeing them as a bunch of idiots with too much freetime on their hands. [b]I[/b] personally feel that they should just take up jobs as construction workers or delivery men, just something that would make use of their brawny qualities as a means of contributing to society. Also, it’s obvious that the local authorities have more interests in other cases and are just dumping this on us so that they don’t have to deal with it. Hmph! After all, it’s not like the Association would entertain such nonsense! " [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] Xashan since the malice behind Scarlett’s and Lupina’s attacks, they meant to kill! Xashan, mentally groaning, prepared to stop them as such force wasn’t necessary for this kind of assignment. However, before he could do anything, he sensed a strange presence taking hold of both women. He didn’t know what to make of it, but it seemed to feel the same about the situation as Xashan did. In an instant, both of the girls fell unconscious, hitting the ground with their summons disappearing before they could make contact with the ruffians. Xashan looked at both girls, not sure what to make of the situation. Looking back at the gang members, they all had terrified looks on their faces, some even had large darken stains on their crotches. They all began to run away screaming, which caused Xashan to sign for a bit. With his sand magic, Xashan nabbed them all up, slamming them into the concrete until they too, passed out. Walking over to the two gals, he put them over his back while he carried the brutes using his sand. [color=f26522]”Just another day in the life…”[/color] He calmly said. Making his way to the police station, he handed over the captured goons and took the payment as posted, ignoring any questions in regards to the two women he was carrying. Exiting the precinct, he sighed again as he looked in the direction of the tower. [color=f26522]”Pity, it would’ve been nice to take you gals out, but I don’t exactly look right bringing two unconscious girls into an eatery. Not that yer even conscious to tell me what you’d want…”[/color] With that, he began to walk back in the direction of Eon. [color=f26522]”Guess I’ll just head back to base. I’m sure Bell will cook us something better anyway.”[/color] [hr] [@Frozen0Titan] Naomi’s enthusiasm began to die down a bit at Damian’s response. [color=f49ac2]O-Oh… No, that makes sense.””[/color] Her eyes lit up a bit as Damian gestured in the direction of her office, offering to compare notes. [color=f49ac2]”Ah, yes, of course!”[/color] [color=f49ac2]”Makara usually have a month-long period of development between mating and laying eggs.This can vary based on environment and the type of mana they’re exposed to during that time. After that, they usually lay 20-30 eggs that usually incubate for three months. Of course, this is all basic knowledge.”[/color] Naomi went out without pause in her discussions, as she always did. Eventually, after walking for a bit, they reached her office door. She opened it up, where Damian would see the inside filled with numerous shelves of books and test equipment. Over in a small corner of a room, he would see a Makara egg being incubating in a special lab tank. It was about ¼ filled with water, and one could tell the humidity was turned up as well. It was also surrounded by swampish foliage. [color=f49ac2]”I’ve done my best to mimic the typical ecosystem in which these eggs are laid. Eh, however…”[/color] She hesitated. [color=f49ac2]”The part I’m having trouble with is regulating how much mana should be channeled through the tank…”[/color] She gestured toward a peculiar machine that was connected to the tank. An interesting piece of equipment known as a mana generator. Power by alchemic reactions, it was magitech that provided mana created as a byproduct to any apparatus that required it. [color=f49ac2]”What makes magical beasts so fascinating and tedious to study is how magic is so integrated into their genetics. These particular species are natural lightning elementalists, a quality they are born with. They gain this ability by the mana that flows into the egg during incubation, provided in part by their parents. How much is needed is determined by various factors, and if they don’t get the right amount they may be born with different complications. It may not even hatch at all.”[/color] She looked worriedly at the egg. [color=f49ac2]”As a researcher, I’d of course like to be able to ensure that the egg hatches with no issues. If not for the sake of my own well-being…”[/color] She said the latter part of her sentence under her breath. [color=f49ac2]”Do you perhaps…have any suggestions?”[/color]