[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] What Galahad was expecting to have been a relatively slow and relaxing day- as they had proclaimed they needed, was quickly turning out to be not nearly as slow nor relaxing as promised. He hadn't expected Izayoi to have been spotted so quickly, and yet somehow she was. Furthermore, he wasn't expecting- though perhaps not as surprised- that a messenger from his home had appeared, bidding them to all visit his family home. He sighed as he watched the courier scurry off, sending slightly furtive glances over his shoulder as he returned home. Elaine's appearance didn't make Galahad feel much better either- she looked like she'd been in a rather one sided fight. Which also likely did little to improve his appearances to his own home. [color=lightblue]"You might be slightly surprised to find that I agree with you,"[/color] Galahad sighed in response to Izayoi, [color=lightblue]"For some reason, the thought of the Limbtaker- former or otherwise- being so close in proximity to my family does not exactly fill me with a sense of joy."[/color] Galahad sighed, pressing fingers against his furrowed brow. [color=lightblue]"Unfortunately, my father's [i]requests[/i] are never quite voluntary. In all honesty, it would likely be safer for all parties involved, if [i]all[/i] of us were to join my father at the family estate."[/color]