We begin our story in a world very similar to the one we know. It's mostly untouched, filled with the same bustling cities, sprawling landscapes, diverse cultures, and complex social dynamics. Yet, upon closer inspection, the differences would become clear. Brand names and corporations have changed. Familiar giants of industry wear different logos, or operate under alternative names, and other companies may have risen or fallen in unexpected ways. While the grand tapestry of history remains consistent, certain threads have frayed or been rewoven in ways that we might not have noticed had they not been pointed out. Key events may have transpired slightly differently, leading to altered treaties, new alliances, or cultural shifts. It's the sort of different that someone on the outside looking in might not notice at first, but they'd start to see the changes rapidly once they spent any time here. October 23, 2024 was the day that all of those similarities came to a screeching halt. That morning, thousands of people from across the world were invited to play a game. The individual invitations were as varied as they were mysterious. A cryptic message written in the back of a text book, an enigmatic app on a smartphone, or even a UI overlay that spontaneously appeared over a person's normal vision. No matter the medium, the message was clear and consistent: They had been chosen to be competitors in this game. There was no explanation of the rules, no mention of the end goal, only the option to acknowledge that they had been selected, and then a single line of text consisting of two words 'Summon Now' The selected players had become Summoners, and like their name implied, they had been given the power to summon others to fight for them -- unlike the summoners in games, or fantasy stories though, these summoners were given the ability to summon people. Or rather, a specific person, as each individual summoner only started with the capacity to summon a single other person. In addition to their ability to summon this person however, they gained the ability to improve them, shaping that one person however they wished, to accomplish whatever tasks the summoner required of them. And that's where we find ourselves now, at the very beginning of The Summoner Game. The contestants have been chosen, now without any guidance from the mysterious game master they have to decide what they want to do with their newfound power, and figure out the rules of this game they've become a part of. [Hider="How it works: Summoning"]Regardless of the appearance of the tool each individual summoner uses, they all have similar functions. They allow the summoner to summon and empower another person. Summoning works a lot like a gacha game, the summoner simply initiates the process, and the tool in question assigns them a person as their summon. The process is mostly random, but not mindless. The entity in charge of the game -- the game master -- has a vested interest in being entertained, and tends to select summons based on what would be the most interesting for the summoner. For some, it's a family member. For others, a friend or co-worker. It's almost always someone that the summoner has a good relationship with in order to foster a smooth transition into the game -- but not always, Sometimes, it's more interesting for the game master if the summoner and summon are largely antagonistic toward each other. Once a summon is chosen, it's pretty much final. That person is forever a summon. They cannot get out of it no matter what, and have no real choice in whether they are or are not a summon, and they have almost no choice in who their summoner is. The sole exception is when a summoner is defeated. A dead summoner loses control of their summons, and the summons either become free agents -- able to be assigned to another summoner at another time -- or are automatically assigned to the summoner who defeated their former master. A summoner who is simply knocked unconscious does not lose access to their summons except in special circumstances. As long as the summoner lives, they retain their ownership over their summons. [/Hider] [Hider="How it works: Improvement"]Summons are not static. Like normal people, they can still improve themselves with time and effort. However, one of the perks of being a Summon is that the system allows them to be improved much faster, and well beyond normal human limitations. The only thing that they need, is SP. SP is short for Summoner Points, and are acquired whenever a summon has a 'Meaningful interaction' with their summoner. The term is vague, but generally speaking, the more intimate the interaction, the more points its worth. Watching a movie at home might get you some points, but making out during the movie is going to get you more. The system encourages romantic and intimate partnerships between summon and summoner. There may also be other ways to acquire SP by 'Playing the game' but the easiest way is to have as many meaningful interactions as possible. Once a summoner has SP, they can spend it on almost anything they can imagine, whether that's an aesthetic change for their summon; making them taller, or changing their hair color, or giving them the ability to shoot lasers from their fingertips. The only limitation is the summoner's imagination, and how much SP they have available to spend. [/Hider] [Hider="How it works: The System"]The system is largely based on a combination of popular gacha style RPGs and more traditional RPGs. There are stats, skills, and powers. Each of these things are assigned a letter grade starting with D-rank at the lowest, and ending with SSS-rank at the highest. Here's a quick chart to give you an idea of what would qualify for each rank: [i]D-rank: These include abilities at the infant to average adult human level. Example: An average person with no specialized training or skills. C-rank: Attainable through study and training, this level includes people who have honed a particular skill or trait. Example: A professional athlete, skilled craftsman, or a well-trained soldier. B-rank: This rank represents mastery in a particular field, achievable through a lifetime of dedication. Example: A world-renowned chef, Olympic gold medalist, or a top-tier musician. A-rank: Reserved for the top 1% in a field, these individuals have abilities or insights that transcend normal human limitations. Example: Albert Einstein (Intelligence), Leonardo da Vinci (Artistic Ability), William Shakespeare (Writing). S-rank: Truly superhuman, this rank represents abilities beyond any natural human capacity, only attainable through spending SP. Example: Sherlock Holmes (Analytical Skill), Quicksilver (Speed), Tony Stark as Iron Man (Technological Mastery). SS-rank: A level that goes beyond even the superhuman, where abilities reach mythical proportions. Example: Thor (Godlike Strength), Professor Xavier (Telepathy), Doctor Strange (Mystical Abilities). SSS-rank: The pinnacle of power, where characters have nigh godlike abilities that defy comprehension. Example: Superman (Physical Prowess), The Flash (Speed), Doctor Manhattan (Manipulation of Matter).[/i] [/Hider] [Hider=Smut and Kinks]I'm not going to lie, I'm not a super kinky person. That said, I do like to include some level of smut in my RP. I like to introduce it primarily in the form of fanservice. A little bounce here, a little flash of skin there, a compromising position, that kind of thing. Occasionally we might get down into the specifics of what goes on in the bedroom -- but I don't want it to be the main focus of the RP. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say the ratio is 3:7 in favor of story over smut. It's not absent, but it's not the focus of the story. I've already mentioned that I'm pretty vanilla. I have a few kinks, but at least one of the bigger ones are fulfilled just by the subject matter of this RP. The rest are just wishlist items. If you're interested, we can discuss them in PMs. I don't want to scare people off by airing out my weird tastes in public. If YOU have specific kinks and things you want to introduce, feel free to suggest them to me! Worst I'll say is no. I promise not to shame you or anything. As always however, I reserve the right to refuse any subject matter for any reason.[/Hider] [Hider=What I'm Looking For] First and foremost: I'm looking to play a MALE character, and looking for someone else to play FEMALE. Gotta make sure I spell that out early, because I tend to forget to mention it. I'm on the lookout for a partner who brings enthusiasm and creativity to the table. Here's a brief rundown of what I'm hoping to find: [b]English Proficiency:[/b] Don't worry, I won't hunt down every typo or grammatical error, but a basic command of English is vital. Consistent attention to grammar and spelling makes our storytelling smoother and more immersive. [b]Post Length:[/b] Ideally, we're aiming for about three paragraphs per post. Of course, I'm no tyrant about this; I understand that sometimes less is more. If the scene doesn't call for a lengthy reply, that's fine! Just keep in mind that continuous one-liners won't create the engaging experience we're both looking for. [b]Character Depth:[/b] Interesting characters are the heart of our story! And interesting doesn't necessarily mean flashy or complex. Even a seemingly mundane character can be captivating if crafted with care. Think beyond just backstory or quirks; delve into their body language, word choice, likes, dislikes, strengths, and flaws. Let's strive to create well-rounded main characters that feel real and compelling. For NPCs, especially those with fleeting appearances, we can afford to be a bit more lenient. Beyond that though, what I'm looking for in a character is much more open ended. Given that the system has a way to edit the aesthetics of a character built-in, the exact appearance of the character isn't super important. My character will likely alter yours at some point. -- Maybe often -- but one thing he cannot change is your character's personality. So that's what I'd like to focus on. We can talk about the specifics in PMs as we hammer out exactly who we'll be playing, but there are a few things I'd like to avoid outright. [b]Overly Sexualized Characters:[/b] Characters primarily driven by sex, or those who constantly make inappropriate advances, don't align with the vibe we're going for. This includes those who leap to sexual themes the moment the scene starts. What this does NOT mean is that characters should be unappealing. Just that a little decorum should be observed. This applies less to NPCs who are intentionally offensive on some level. Just the mains. [b]Passive Wallflowers:[/b] While shy or introverted characters can bring charm and complexity, those who are excessively passive might hold back the story. We want characters who take action, contribute to the plot, and evolve, not ones who merely blend into the background. [b]Invincible Heroes:[/b] Characters who never struggle, never fail, and have an answer to every problem can quickly become boring. Flaws and vulnerabilities make characters relatable and interesting. Let's avoid making them too perfect or untouchable. That being said, I'm also not looking for characters who are just lambs for the slaughter -- character death is not really a thing I want to explore in this RP. Defeat, however, is something we can explore -- summons can't die. They just get desummoned for a little while. So being defeated isn't a big deal for them! [B]Static Characters:[/b] Those who remain unchanged throughout the story, lacking growth or development, can make the narrative feel stagnant. We're aiming for characters who evolve, learn, and react to the world around them. [b]Unnecessarily Combative Characters:[/b] While conflicts drive a plot, characters who are constantly aggressive or confrontational without reason can disrupt the flow of the story. A healthy dose of conflict is good, but let's avoid needless antagonism. Finally, a note on character art/faceclaims. I'd like to avoid real life images. No photos of anyone, famous or not. It makes me uncomfortable to include actual photos of real people in any RP that includes smut of any kind, and honestly real life people tend to feel very flat and boring to me. Drawn art, AI generated images, or CGI imagery are all fine -- even if they're on the realistic side -- I just want to avoid actual photos. [/Hider] If you have questions, comments, or concerns, my PMs are open.