Mentions: [@PaulHaynek] [quote] "You don't look like a warrior, Wererabbit, but you certainly move like one." The spellcaster then offered his hand to strained-leg Lunatea. "I am Revuel. Revuel Arvida. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, taskforce member." The taskforce's newest ally finally introduced himself. [/quote] "Revuel…" The wererabit replied with a nod. "Thank you… for the assistance…" She spoke between her breaths. [quote] "I shall continue helping rout the Varjan attackers, but you look like you are at the end of your ropes." Revuel commented on Lunatea's condition. "I can take you to somewhere safe, but you are free to rejoin the fight if you think you are still able." [/quote] "I'm fine… Just… tired, that's all… After some rest, I should be able to fight once more…" "A-are you alright, Miss Youkai?" To her surprise, some of the villagers who had been hiding on the corners, watching her fight, were coming out to the field. "Thank you for your help!" They all bowed at the same time. Lunatea raised her eyebrows. "We… we misjudged you youkai. We thought it was a mistake for Lord Takeshi to take you in as his retainers." One of them spoke. "But you really fought for us… For that, I can't thank you enough!" Another spoke. "I-if… if you want to rest, then you can come with us! We'll take care of you!" Lunatea, still panting, was now looking at the villagers' faces. They didn't seem to be lying. She then moved her gaze towards Revuel. "I shall come with them. It'd be better if they have a monster with them. For the rest, I'll leave it to you and the others." She was really quite spent. Her body ached all over and she felt she could faint at any second. Her magical panties had overcharged her body with mana and all the kicking she did had overcharged her muscles as well.