[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230703/8c199199ca10f1c5ef8f2ee90df61845.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/0g97bPNxxmIAAAAC/atlantis-the-lost-empire-princess-kida-princess-kida.gif[/img] [b]Action:[/b] none | [b]Bonus Action[/b]: none[/center] Kida frowned as she attentively followed the conversation but the whole thing seemed foreign to her. She doesn't mean to judge but she is thoroughly confused by the statement of the bandits. "[color=6ecff6]Your emporer is not aware of the hunger you suffer? How can that be? Why must you be invited by a ... summon... to speak to your emporer and explain in what dire need of assistance you are?[/color]" She turned to the person she had embedded her dart into and asked to retrieve it though she pulled it out before an answer was given. Quick and painless was her merit. "[color=6ecff6]I apologise[/color]", she said. Then she turned to the person who seemed in possession of said summon. "[color=6ecff6]The emporer wants to see you but you do not know why? Is the birthday of an emporer usually a reason not to summon one's people? How would someone contact the emporer? Surely there's a... spokesperson or such? Someone to address instead who then will inform the emporer about matters such as these?[/color]"