[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/RjlIy0Z.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230628/b67e0199481a3a6de1d28a410d0b74cb.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] Levi tensed as Kitty interlocked her arm with his, his mind subconsciously making him glance up to check if Lily was still staring at them or not. Luckily, it appeared that the other blonde woman had walked off in the opposite direction with her. [color=EA7A55]"Uh…"[/color] Levi looked back down at Kitty when she questioned if he would be watching the show. [color=EA7A55]"Yep… I’ll be there."[/color] He confirmed, fighting the urge to unlink himself from her and instead following her lead as she dragged him on through the crowd. His eyes searched the crowd desperately as he walked with Kitty, trying to find anyone who could help him escape this trap. Where was Tommy when you needed rescuing?! If it wasn’t for their complicated history, Levi would’ve been enjoying Kitty’s forward nature and take-charge attitude. In fact, he had obviously enjoyed it when they were younger. Kitty was cute and the way she didn’t care to beat around the bush was refreshing at times. [color=#ff498c]“Now, go be a good boy and sit with your friend over there.”[/color] Levi looked over to where Kitty was guiding him, finding his old roommate Brad who was clearly in the midst of trying to cure the munchies. Feeling a tap on his butt, Levi clenched and snapped his attention back to Kitty. In that moment she reminded him of his ex-girlfriend. Very forward, touchy, flirty, and especially in the way she just called him "good boy". [color=#ff498c]“I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me. It better be fun, like you promised!” [/color] [color=EA7A55]"I’ll try my best."[/color] He didn’t remember promising her anything, but he would genuinely try to plan something fun to do with her. The only problem was that he had absolutely no idea what it was that Kitty enjoyed doing besides making people uncomfortable. He’d need to ask around. [color=#ff498c]“See you from the sky!”[/color] [color=EA7A55]"Break a leg up there!"[/color] He wished her luck on stage, grateful that she had other duties to attend to tonight instead of fixating on him. He had no idea what she meant by “see you from the sky”, but usually when Kitty said odd things he’d just go along with it. Turning away, Levi quickly made his way over to his savior. [color=EA7A55]"Brad!"[/color] He called, lifting his head in an upward nod. [color=EA7A55]"What’s up?"[/color] He greeted, plopping himself down in the grass next to his friend. [color=EA7A55]"Looks like we’re both in for a date with Kitty."[/color] He chuckled and gave Brad a little shoulder nudge, smirking as he recalled putting Brad up for auction without his friends' knowledge. [color=EA7A55]"She’s a feisty one. Any clue what she likes to do for fun?"[/color] He paused, turning his gaze back to the stage where Kitty had made her way to. [color=EA7A55]"I don’t actually want to [i]date[/i] date her. I’ll leave that to you."[/color] He laughed, looking at Brad again and making a mental note that his friend was definitely high. He didn’t even need to say a word - his eyes said enough. [color=EA7A55]"I don’t think I ever told you what happened between me and Kitty when we were in highschool, did I?"[/color] He pondered for a moment, trying to remember. Levi might’ve told him at one point, but they were likely drunk or high at the time. Or both. There was no telling what Levi had said or what Bradley would’ve remembered. He shrugged, [color=EA7A55]"I just wanted the “date” to try and make amends."[/color] He paused for a second, [color=EA7A55]"Although… she doesn’t seem to be upset at all. That’s… good?"[/color] He questioned out loud, unsure if it was actually a good thing or if she was scheming something behind the scenes. Kitty could be so confusing. [hr] [right][sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Kitty [@LovelyComplex] & Brad [@Hey Im Jordan][/sub][/right]