[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tvp7akE.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220102/bf3d6631f3de8b5fc005ce115e5f2708.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] [color=f6989d]"Is it always the quiet ones though? A little rope play perhaps?"[/color] Reya burst out laughing, trying to erase the image of the sheriff tying up Talie in his bedroom. That was the last thing she wanted to imagine! [color=8c546f]"It is always the quiet ones, you’re right."[/color] She agreed, holding the smile on her face as she looked around for a free table to take their food to. A lot of people were beginning to gather in the area; some choosing to sit in the grass, some at tables, and some standing right in front of the stage. [color=8c546f]"Oh, there’s a good spot!"[/color] She pointed towards an empty table that was fairly close to the stage. [color=8c546f]"Let’s hurry before it gets taken."[/color] [color=#9F80DF]“I realized… I have to pee! So hold this. Take care of her, Talie, I’ll be back.”[/color] [color=8c546f]"Oh -"[/color] Reya took the food and water that Stella shoved into her hands, [color=8c546f]"Wait, you don’t want us to come with you?"[/color] She asked, confused, but it was too late. Stella was already hightailing it away from them before Reya could even finish the question. [color=8c546f]"What the heck is going on with her…"[/color] Reya muttered under her breath, wondering why Stella was being so flighty today. [color=8c546f]"Well, let’s go grab the table at least.”[/color] Reya looked over at Talie and tilted her head in the direction of the table she had spotted as a gesture for Talie to follow. [color=8c546f]“Hopefully the line for the bathroom won’t be too long so she doesn’t miss the show.”[/color] Reya thought out loud as they made their way across the knoll area where people were beginning to post up. Sitting down at the table, Reya slid Stella’s food and drink across from her at the table to save her seat. Looking up, Reya took in the view they had of the stage as the band began to set up their instruments. [color=8c546f]“Have you heard them play before?”[/color] Reya asked, looking over at Talie. [color=8c546f]“I think they are actually pretty good, usually.”[/color] She looked back at the stage, [color=8c546f]“I might be biased, though. I grew up with all of them so I’ve heard them play a lot.”[/color] She smiled, purposely leaving out the part about also having a giant crush on the guitar player who Talie tried to “save” her from earlier in the day. Thinking of that incident, Reya looked down at her leg which was all scraped up with bits of dried blood on it. [color=8c546f]“I think this is fitting for a rock concert. Fits the vibe.”[/color] She laughed, stretching out her leg so Talie could see her new accessory. [hr] [right][sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Stella [@LovelyComplex] & Talie [@PrinceAlexus][/sub][/right]