[center][h2][b]General Kvarr[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] General Kvarr ripped off a piece of meat about comparable to the size of a small cooked chicken, swallowing it all whole. Outwardly, he was seeming quite relaxed. He leaned forward on the table, bringing him a bit closer to Esedel so he could speak more softly. “I thought we might be of the same mind. The arrival of these Humans…who knows how our kin up north will respond? It would not suit us to become so distracted with each other that we lose sight of the real threats.” Kvarr shifted his gaze slightly in the direction of the Jotunheim. “They do not have any more than a village’s worth of people here. And a small one, at that. Yet, I can’t help but to wonder, if they could arrive here, could not others? I think it would be wise for both of us to get to know them well. It may also be wise to ask them if they [i]want[/i] a wall or two.” [hr] [center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Kareet was rather absorbed in the book she was reading when Vigdis found her, and was rather reluctant to pull her eyes from it even after being questioned. She had an interesting question before her, and she believed the answer was close within her reach. In that situation, she simply could not bring herself to avoid trying to answer it. She did not ignore Vigdis, but she was half looking to the Human, and half to the book in her hands. “Hmm? Oh yes these…um…events.” She turned another page. “It is a nice show of courtesy. Respect. Something of that nature. For setting the tone of negotiations, I believe.” For a short while, it was not certain if Kareet had even registered Vigdis’ second question. She was continuing to scan the pages in front of her, though she did speak up before Vigdis could. “Are you asking about entertainment? I know there are an abundance of options in Arcaeda. Sports, theater, art, music, tournaments, competitions, many bearing influences from most cultures across Kanth-Aremek. The Ascendancy’s culture was built up from a collection of all the people that formed it. Tekeri culture before the Ascendancy was…primitive. Small, scattered tribes in the mountains. They hunted, had some limited farming, and mostly just lived in their superstitions with little ambition to grow. [i]Worthless[/i]." She muttered, with no small amount of scorn in her tone. “Through much of its early history, the Ascendancy grew from the immigration of the outsiders Archmagister Vyana sought to attract to her nation.”