[center][h2][color=b5a0d2]Steffen Gravinir[/color][/h2][/center][hr] The smoke cover signalled to him that his enemy was intent on engaging combat with Serenity with a battlefield of his own choosing. With a few steps backward in extra caution, seeing that was excess, Steffen finally turned around for Gerard, giving one last trust to Serenity, now engulfed in the smoke cover. Once this bastard is felled, that rogue will be next. None of them will be spared. A few strides quickly turned into a sprint, quickly closing distance with the hammer-wielding Boar, his spear raised overhead with very clear intention. A Boar noted for his reckless bravery decided to be the rampart against that, and quickly learned his last lesson of the mortal life: you do not get in the way of a charging Ingvarr. He did not even came close to slowing down the outlander knight. A rock solid boulder in its descent. Steffen's normally dull amethyst eyes were lit up with energy, as his step landed in the vicinity of the two fighters just as the Boar finished his swing. Once in, his feet only touched the ground two times. At the last second, his shield locked forward, the metallic spear thrust towards the throat area of the armor, the energy of the charge imbuing his strike with equally monstrous strength. If the spear did not find its target, the larger shield would be the collision point. [@Raineh Daze][@HereComesTheSnow]