[table][row][cell][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230717/4153260eb0b59fb30b721b0b0a9c7d63.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/AmmDMt0.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][/row][/table] [center][@Dead Cruiser][@Mendicant Bias][@Emeth][@Martian][@The Muse][@Teyao][/center] [hr] The Japanese woman struggles to stand up as she saw Hachiman being dissolved into dust, she knows that things are only going to get more complicated from here once the gods have deduced what her group has done to the Japanese god of war, but that is a matter of later concern. She needs to tend the wound in her abdomen and direct the group to further walk toward the objective. [color=#F09B9A]“Hey, uhh, Illistriana san?”[/color] She asked the elven woman, the priestess of Lunara looking stunned as the group somehow manages to defeat a war deity. [color=#F09B9A]“Can you help me for a little bit here? I need some healing after that fight.”[/color] The moon elf wasted no time coming to her aid and cast her healing spell, her left hand radiated with a soothing energy Mitsuko felt when she was fighting Hachiman, and soon enough the wound on her abdomen was quickly healed, the only signs that Mitsuko has been stabbed being the torn piece of clothing right where the sword pierced her body. [color=6ecff6]“You should be more careful Madame Mitsuko,”[/color] Illistriana told her. [color=6ecff6]“That move was exceedingly reckless of you and could get you killed! I couldn’t think of how we would navigate this… labyrinth of a city without your guidance Mitsuko.”[/color] The gal could only smile at the moon-elf queen as she stretched her body to make sure she was still functioning. [color=#F09B9A]“I… appreciate that you’re taking care of me Illistriana, just don’t overly focus yourself on me and take care of the others okay?”[/color] Illistriana promptly nodded to the woman’s request. Mitsuko nonetheless appreciates that Illistriana cares about her though, there are not many people that cared about her until Amaterasu showed up and helped her rebuild her future. So it's nice to have people you can trust in this little party of hers. [color=#F09B9A]“Alright!”[/color] She announced to the group. [color=#F09B9A]“We’re still gonna take the train tracks, this line should lead us towards Tokyo Station, and once we reach Tokyo Station, the Imperial Palace should be up ahead, where we will hopefully fight my evil alter ego deity. Let’s move!”[/color] The journey afterward was pretty boring, Mitsuko looked at all the ruined buildings and skyscrapers that are inhabited only by the air and not much else. The woman felt a bit sad as she saw how Tokyo would look like if Humanity had gone extinct, all the fun things she has done with Amaterasu in the Japanese capital, all the life and mirth of the city, sapped away, leaving a concrete husk with nobody withering away, with nobody to witness its slow death. Such a tragedy really. But then, just as Mitsuko was about to continue her journey, her head filled with thoughts of making this situation more lively than it is, she spotted something. And her eyes light up like the Christmas lights on a tree. [color=#F09B9A]“Cynthia! Shin’za! Sybil! Everyone!”[/color] She turned her body around. [color=#F09B9A]“Come here! Come here! Oh my goodness I didn’t expect this thing to still be here after all this time!”[/color] The woman quickly sprinted into a platform of a long-disused station and approached a weird box-looking thing standing on its own, the years rusting away the metallic shell of the implement, but the woman knew that there should be something inside of it. [color=#F09B9A]“This is what we call a vending machine. It’s a sort of like… machine merchant where you insert coins or paper in these implements.”[/color] She pointed to the side, [color=#F09B9A]“and click the button below the drink selection.”[/color] She pointed at the buttons, [color=#F09B9A]“And voila! A drink dispensed!”[/color] [color=#F09B9A]“But, since we don’t have currency here, I’ll just tear this implement apart and let you choose what drinks you have, consider this a… reward of sorts for successfully defeating Hachiman,”[/color] Mitsuko said, enchanting her fists with a spell before she punched the vending machine, tearing apart its outer shell and revealing the contents of its insides, a veritable selection of various drinks from jelly drinks, cafe au laits, and ramune. Mitsuko herself grabbing some water and a watermelon-flavoured drink and drank both. [color=#F09B9A]“Yep! It’s still not expired yet, grab anything you want! We probably won’t be resting for quite a while once we continue our journey.”[/color]