The young Novice dutifully followed Orsic and the wagon. Scanning the area for Master Keiler and catching part of the display of power from the women, Andrew sighed a sigh of resignation. Part of it was for the fact that Sage was a red head and had been nice to him while he was learning his basics. She had shown him mercy when most of the Order had not. She looked more intense and worldly than when she was in the Order. Katrina was intimidating, which was normal. She had seen many a broken tooth, finger, or rib at her hand. He tried hard to stay wide of the fights she normally ended up in. Though she provided operatunities to get a free meal or drink. Revna was preparing herself and her horse. She seemed to tease the other women and there was laughter. As they approached the women, Andrew bowed as the novices are taught to show respect to them. It was a way to hide his nerves and his thoughts. Smiling he rose from his bow was a good cover for the insecurity he felt. Soon the wagon was loaded with the remaining supplies.