Dorian smiled softly as Simbel was among the first to speak that she would join the Order followed by the others. He looked at Faline, who had been expressionless while Dorothea asked her questions. She gave a silent nod of acceptance of the position. [color=0054a6]"Amandine is correct. Your mentors are out in search of a cure for the Duskrot. Some may call the disease by different names, however, everyone agrees with how devastating its effects are,"[/color] the host spoke as he circled a village nearby on the map that lay on the table before him. [color=0054a6]"This current outbreak is traveling faster than previous times. Usually, the Emperor has been able to order guards to quarantine sick people. It has grown so quickly that this village on the map has a border built around it. No one, except secret personnel, is allowed in. This is where your mentors will meet you all, hopefully with a cure. We've already received reports of outbreaks happening within cities, which means-,"[/color] Dorian began to speak but was quickly interrupted by the redheaded half-Elvian. [color=f6989d]"Someone is deliberating releasing diseased people within the city,"[/color] Faline finished as she stood up from her chair and stretched, then crossed her arms as she looked at Dorian as if she already knew this information. Dorian raised an eyebrow at Faline. [color=f6989d]"My uncle was receiving mysterious reports in a code from the city guard in Volenstul, asking what they should do in the meantime. It's a good thing you escaped the Gallows, Dorothea. They removed the mages and relocated them to a makeshift camp near the Docks. Not by my uncle's recommendations, by the Emperor's,"[/color] Faline explained. [color=0054a6]"Thank you, Faline, for being brash as ever," [/color]Dorian said with an annoyed tone while Faline rolled her eyes. [color=0054a6]"For your first quest as a group, you will travel to the woods to retrieve an artifact. Legends surrounding this piece have been rather intriguing. The Emperor believes that the artifact could help halt the Duskrot outbreak,"[/color] he said as he laid a book with the legendary artifact on the table. Faline took a look at what this possible goose chase was supposed to lead them to. The artifact was the product of a war chief who had fought the First Emperor when the First Emperor was staking claim to the land. Before the First Emperor, Vradia was divided among war tribes. Now, many of these customs and cultures of said tribes were left to myths and tales. [color=f6989d]"The Amulet of Selene is just an old tale of the Hiemaquas Dragonian tribe. All that is in here is the general whereabouts of what could possibly be the battlefield where the First Emperor fought them,"[/color] Faline said as she bit her lip in nervousness. This old tale wasn't a lot to go on, especially without talking to the mentors directly about what they thought of it.