[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] Da'Niyah's straightforward approach and calm analysis provided a stark contrast to the prevailing panic, and Aria found herself paying close attention as she listened to Da'Niyah's reasoning. She nodded as Da'Niyah pointed out the lack of pain or drowsiness, her logical assessment bringing a glimmer of reassurance amidst the surreal situation. "Da'Niyah's right. We should try to stay calm and figure things out," Aria added, her voice steady as she glanced between the two girls. "And... yeah, none of us seem to be in pain, just... really uncomfortable." Her cheeks flushed again as she gestured to her own costume, a mix of embarrassment and agreement in her expression. Aria's gaze flicked to the other panicked girl, her eyebrows lifting slightly at the directness of the question. But before she could respond, Sayu's outburst cut through the air, laden with disbelief and urgency. Aria's lips parted, torn between understanding Sayu's panic and trying to offer a counterpoint. "I know this seems crazy, but maybe there's another explanation we haven't thought of yet," she offered tentatively. "I mean, we all woke up in this same place, right? And it's not like we can run from here without knowing where we are." She looked around at the unfamiliar trees, her uncertainty evident. "Maybe if we work together, we can figure out what's going on." Aria's voice was calm, a touch of reason trying to find its place amidst the storm of emotions and confusion. It was a surreal situation, but she couldn't help but feel that there might be more to it than a simple kidnapping.