[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3YdqYf1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zvnz6I.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Lost at Sea[/b][/center][hr] [i]Fukami Port[/i]: [@PaulHaynek][@Enkryption][@The Irish Tree][hr] Shizuka chose to ignore Alice's odd behavior, seeing as how what others classified as "weird" would likely be normal for her. All it seemingly amounted to was her being over-affectionate toward Liliana, so he didn't see a need to be alarmed. He was simply glad that the man and his daughter were now back safe and sound. He instead chose to place his attention to Carroll, who seemed to have aroused from her slumber. [color=royalblue]"I see you're awake now, Carroll-san. Are you alright?"[/color] He asked in a concerned tone. Both he and her heard Ian telling them that as reward for a job well done, he'd let them answer any question they might have for him. An odd reward, he thought... Feeling Carroll convulsing in his hand, he quickly turned to her. It seemed she was shifting into her human form again. However, instead of the form of his deceased love, Carroll had taken the new form of a somber-looking woman wearing tattered western cloth adorned with old armor. She was covered in blood-stains, but still kept the voice of Shizuka's mate. Unsure of what to make of this, he waited for Ian to answer Carroll's question. Apparently, the thought was that Carroll takes a different form, based on the subconscious of their host. [color=royalblue]"Carroll-san had actually explained as much to me at an earlier point in time."[/color] Shizuka said, interjecting. He supposed that this form was to Ian's liking then? At least subconsciously anyway... [color=royalblue]"Alright, this is all well and good, but at this point I believe we're done here.[/color] Shizuka began, speaking loud enough that everyone present could hear his words. [color=royalblue]"It's time we take the man and his daughter and head back to the temple. Although, before we do go, I believe I could ask you this Ian-san: What exactly did the Varjan plan to do with that girl, and what were they doing docked hear?"[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cDfjYN0.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/0u0wcUo.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NporBQG.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Pre-Emptive Strike[/b][/center][hr] Terauchi Temple: [sub][@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree] [@Hammerman] [@Restalaan] [@Crowvette] [@Nakushita] [@Rezod92][/sub][hr] [center][b]Pre-emptive Strike[/b][/center] While Skarsneek and Gringor were busy with their own battles, the Sisters did as they were instructed and entered into the fray in order to assist Takeshi and Io. Atsuha saw Io's electrified field had seemingly neutralized the two lesser Varjan enemies, but bound them with strength-sapping webs just to be on the safe side. She saw that Takeshi and Skarsneek were deadlocked with the Varjan Warlock, with the young lord being able to land a powerful blow to the brute. However, these Varjans were nothing if not persistent, as that didn't stop the Warlock from throwing the lord over his shoulders and knocking the wind out of him with a kick. [color=9e0b0f]"Takeshi-san!!"[/color] Atsuha yelled. Responding to her sister's cries, Hinami quickly rushed at the warlock and attempted to bind him with her morning star chain. It was made from demon realm silver, so it would sap his strength should it connect. When it did, she would slam him on the head with the morning star, which hopefully would at least get him away from the lord. Atsuha would rush over to Takeshi and began healing him, while at the same time buffing his person with strength and defensive spells. [color=9e0b0f]"Takeshi-san, are you alright? You are always so reckless..."[/color] She said, performing her spellcasting on him while standing over him. While it seemed like she was distracted with Takeshi, Atsuha had actually set a trap for the Varjan aggressor: she had set a cocoon of threads around him so fine that they were practical invisible to the naked eye. If he tried to advance, even after Hinami's assault, he would fine himself further ensnared in her webbing. Along with his strength being depleted twice more.