[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AjbQR8d.png[/img][/center] [hr] Unlike a lot of people, Aiko enjoyed getting up early. She enjoyed being able to hear the birdsong that greeted the sun’s first rays. She enjoyed being her favorite little tea shop’s first customer of the day. She enjoyed drinking her favorite soothing blend as she leisurely strolled along the path leading to Ayame High, the idea of arriving late never entering her mind. “Early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise,” someone had once said, and while Aiko wasn’t too sure about the last one, her early morning walks had certainly helped to diminish her stress, while also gifting her with a rich array of sights and sounds as the world slowly woke from its slumber. Tranquil, gentle, unhurried, and approachable, this was how that waking world would perceive Misugi Aiko, much to the young woman’s contentment. After all, she had worked very hard to ensure that such was the case. The brash rebel who played in a rock band until well-past midnight and drank alcohol purchased with a fake ID was gone forever, and the world was better off for it. At least, that’s what Aiko kept trying to convince herself. Besides, there were people in [i]considerably[/i] worse shape than she was… [color=Tan][i]Oh, the poor thing…[/i][/color] Aiko thought to herself as she watched the perennially unlucky, and perennially miserable, Kohaku stagger into the teacher’s lounge, roughly half of her skirt soaked with water. The history teacher then went on to experience a messy coffee machine mishap, causing Aiko to once again reassess her belief in curses. Thankfully, Shinobu, Ayame High’s ever-helpful student counselor, was quick to provide assistance, although it would soon become apparent that Kohaku wasn’t the [i]only[/i] person in need of help… Slightly startled by the sound of a loud thump, Aiko turned to face the window, wondering if a bird might have crashed into it. What she saw instead had her blinking her eyes to ensure she wasn’t hallucinating. It looked like a small, golden-haired… [i]fairy…?[/i] Well, whatever it was, the others obviously saw it too, at least if Kohaku’s spray of coffee was anything to go by. Not only that, but it was talking to them in a rapid, high-pitched voice, pleading for their help. [color=Tan]“S-Someone’s in trouble…?”[/color] Aiko found herself asking, still in a bit of a daze, but concerned for this supposedly endangered person nonetheless. [color=Tan]“W-What kind of trouble?”[/color]