[center][h2][color=ec008c]Samantha "Chaos" Dalton [/color][/h2] [h2]The Chaos has hit the fan: Singapore[/h2][/center] [hr] Samantha felt like she had done all she could do. She was packing up all her equipment while she anxiously waited for the status bar to indicate that the cloning process was completed and successful. Samantha knew they were running out of time. She knew things had gone pear shaped. She wondered how Mateo and Xander were doing with retrieving data from the server room. That was when she heard Skye swearing over an open comline, [color=lightblue]"Crap! Team, grab what you need and get the hell out! Valkyrie, follow on my lead! I think we're going for Plan B!"[/color] She didn’t even manage to get out a swear word before the fire alarm kicked in and started wailing.That meant the team had minutes to get out before the building went on lockdown and was surrounded by first responders. Samantha felt her heart begin to race. She was silently urging the status bar to move faster. Mentally she was wondering how much crap the man stored on his personal computer. The sound of the alarms were so strong she could feel the vibrations pulsing through her body. It kept her heart racing and her adrenaline up. She could hear guards running down the hallway. She ducked under the desk to hide as the laptop finished downloading. Samantha opened her bag and pulled out the wingsuit that she had stuffed into it. She knew it was her best bet for a clean getaway. She pulled out the taser flashlight and the knock out spray perfume bottle. She set them to the side. She peaked up over the desk. The coast was clear so she checked the computer once more. The computer had finally finished. She verified that the process was successful before unplugging everything and quickly but securely storing it in the backpack she had been using. She made sure everything was secure and zipped up tight before sliding the pack onto her shoulders. She made sure the bag was secure and snug before pulling on the wingsuit over her clothes and backpack. She knew she wouldn’t have time to stop and pull it on later. She took a moment to let the team know her status. [color=ec008c]“Chaos will be taking the sky route.”[/color] Her exit was going to be fast and messy. She grinned with that thought since it was also going to be fun. Base jumping was a hard hobby to enjoy as it was illegal to do in most cities. There was no hope for a stealthy exit now. She made sure the suit was on and everything was fastened correctly. She made sure she could reach the release handle for the modified parachute pack built into the suit. She gave a little jump to make sure things stayed where she put them. Satisfied, she grabbed up the taser and knockout spray before heading to the door to leave the office. All she could hear was the blaring alarms and automated announcement to evacuate the building. She cracked open the door and didn’t see anyone in the hallway. She began to run down the hallway towards the stairwell. She ran into the landing and found two guards on comms reporting the guards she downed earlier. She ran towards them but they saw her coming. They fired at her but she kept dodging from side to side. She was too close for the rifles they were trying to use. She jabbed the taser into one guard’s side as the other tried to sweep her legs from under her. She pressed the button on the taser and held it in place as her legs were jerked from under her. She landed on her back. She had the wind knocked out of her. The guard she had tasered hit the floor next to her. She gasped and flipped back to her feet. She sprayed the guard fighting her in the face. She punched him and pulled his head down to slam into the stair rail. As he went down, she kept moving on up the stairs. She burst through the door at the top of the stairwell. It was chaos with people screaming and crying. Guards were yelling orders at the top of their lungs trying to be heard over the alarms. There was a large concentration of guards by the bar. There were guards moving through the crowd trying to herd visitors out. She grinned as she headed for the open doors to the balcony. She had been spotted by a few guards who were running towards her fighting the crowd along the way. She grinned knowing she was going to make it. She ran and jumped up on a table by the guard rail. She looked out and climbed up on the guard railing. She carefully side-stepped down the rail to an area that would allow her to jump away from surrounding buildings and over the water. It would give her the best chance to avoid the wind tunnel effects between the skyscrapers. There were two guards right on her heels. She gave them a mocking smirk and salute before she jumped as hard as she could pushing up and away from the building. She heard gunfire behind her as they tried to hit her. She was too busy trying not to plummet to her death to look back. She pushed her arms out to the sides and opened the legs of the wingsuit catching the air immediately. She got a feel for the air currents she was gliding on. The wind pulled at her wig as she guided her body away from the building. She was dropping fast. She adjusted her body position, seeking more distance. She slowed slightly as her trajectory straightened out. She wasn’t going to make it all the way to the water. She poppped open the modified parachute as it deployed and jerked her upwards as it slowed her descent even more. She used the handles to steer the parachute towards her alternate landing zone. She had done some research into the area around the building knowing this might be her exit plan. She knew there was an open air courtyard with tables and chairs surrounded by food trucks and sidewalk vendors. It had a little grassy area to add a greenspace to the business area. She aimed for the grassy area. She landed and had to run a few steps to bleed off the momentum. Luckily the park was empty since it was evening hours. She looked around and saw fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances speeding by with the lights on. She grinned as unzipped the suit and pulled it off. She stuffed it and the parachute back into the backpack. She was amazed that her wig had managed to stay on. It was a little askew so she pulled it back into place. She then headed towards the car she had left parked here earlier in the day. She had rented a luxury sedan to keep up the appearance of her identity. Samantha pulled off the pack and unzipped the front pocket to pull out the keys. [color=ec008c]“Chaos is on the ground. Does anyone need a ride?”[/color] She unlocked the car tossing the pack in the passenger seat. She started the car and waited for the team to check in.