[center] [h3][color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h3] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1120967522892648530/BlackSilenceIcon.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 3 Roland - (9/30) Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (32/120) Level 5 Susie - (41/50) - (Holding 2 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Sector 8 checkpoint [b]Word Count:[/b] 977 [/center] Roland wasn't a fan of PSI ops. This wasn't because of competition between them and General Affairs, although there was a rivalry between all the major factions regardless, but more because of how badly they gave him a headache whenever they spoke or used their weird powers. He had enough of that with R corp, but Psi Ops was far more varied and thus, much more of a headache. Although considering they had to fight monsters, while he had to work next to monsters was... well they both had the short end of the stick but that was life. Blazermate meanwhile was more on board with the whole fighting thing, although she didn't care about the whole lethal vs non lethal debate, she just wanted to get through and see the new spooky area. So when Sandalphon started the fight with her shot to get everyone's attention with Zenkichi and Geralt taking the front line, Blazermate went with the front liners as she normally did, summoning her shield when the bullets started flying. Although considering how fast the soldiers were dispatched, perhaps that was a bit overkill. Well, all but the two that seemed to be an issue for the two guys, inflicting status conditions that seemed to make them meander about. While Blazermate cured them of their status conditions so they wouldn't be as open to attacks as they were, Susie used her opportunity to come from below and get around to take out the two first class privates by using her transporter to fly under while Blazermate, Zenkichin Goldlewis, and Geralt distracted/dealt with the first 3 privates and the sisters. Dropping down behind the two who were also looking at the fight below, Susie summoned her Business suit and suddenly made herself a much, much bigger target as she swung a giant mech fist at Fujimori Mosley who just barely shielded himself with his barrier from the large mech fist that appeared behind him, with his partner Kenji McLaughlin shooting the newcomer with a reactionary energy blast using his own psi ability, but only hitting the business suit itself, and not the pilot. Blazermate meanwhile was found to be a genuine problem for the two sisters. While her shield blocked their plasma rifle shots, what made her a real problem was that they found their confusion status didn't linger on the medabot for very long at all, and with her clearing the two guys in front of them and healing them from the animal damage or the status conditions, it didn't take too long for their efforts, alongside a burst heal from Sandalphon, and a bit of crowd control themselves, to wear the two down and knock them out, Blazermate moving to smack the sister causing all the confusion with her shield arm. She didn't know why they were doing non lethal takedowns, but she just shrugged and went with the program. While the rest of the soldiers were being dealt with, Roland finally made his move to assist Susie who was in a 2v1 fight currently. With her in a mech and the others either indisposed, distracted, or outright knocked out, Roland was clear to make his way to the upper platform and support the pink haired bot by striking Kenji McLaughlin in the back with one of his maces in an attempt to knock him out. This didn't go as well as Roland thought it would, with the man slowly turning around to look at the masked man with a "Did you just do what I think you did?" look on his face, before opening fire. This did free up Susie to focus on pounding the force fields of Kneji with both hands now, eventually wearing him out and causing him to pass out from the stress of shielding so much potential damage. That just left Roland against someone he would be better suited against, but was still something he wasn't really good against. While he could deflect the pistol shot and even the plasma rifle shots with his bigger weapons, when the psychic blasts came out, that was a much taller order. While not the psionic lightning bolts of R corp, they were dangerous in their own right and Roland found himself struggling fairly hard as he was unable to deflect the psychic blasts, something that his opponent figured out and capitalized on, keeping himself at range and away from the masked man in order to deal with him. This lasted until his partner went down and Susie could handle him herself, and while he could keep Roland at bay, once the mech came from behind, there wasn't much he could do having taken a blow from Roland earlier. With a grab, Susie started to squeeze the guy until he passed out, but this did leave a hand free, a hand that he had his pistol in and he got a couple shots on the pink haired girl before finally passing out from the pain of being squeezed. Thankfully this worked as a good testing bed for Susie as well, testing and showing her shield did work, even if it wasn't all that durable, it did shield her from the sidearm shots that headed her way. Roland was thankful that he had a partner in this situation, as he knew he wouldn't do too well, but he held out at least and would get healed up by Blazermate at the battle's conclusion. [color=d7d7d7]"Thanks. I'm not a fan of these Psi Ops guys, they have so many weird powers you never know what your going to get."[/color] Roland said, with Susie saying. [color=ec008c]"Its just basic power manipulation at the end of the day. We have robots that can do the same things."[/color], not having either the context or worry of Roland as she hadn't been in Midgar all that long.