[center][h2][b]General Kvarr[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] “This Castigator is a bright one, I would say.” General Kvarr answered. “Besides, despite how others may see us, rank and order still rule in the Ascendancy. She would not defy the wishes of the Archmagister.” Kvarr gave a glance off towards the woods, in the direction the intoxicated Life mage had stumbled off to. “I know what to expect from you, and you know what to expect from me. We are prepared to deal fairly with Mythadia. The greatest uncertainty we have is with our new visitors. Once their leader returns, I believe we should get down to business. As nice as these festivities are, I think there are some questions we should not leave unanswered for too much longer.” [hr] [center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] While speaking with Vigdis, Kareet went silent for a few moments. After finding Niftari in the index and searching back through the book to the relevant section, her gaze focused down on the text. It was in a section on S’toric history, of all things, though the deity was not one that pertained to the S’tor. Rather, it was associated with a people they had conflicted with ages ago. Kareet had an answer, it seemed, but it was one that created far more questions for her to investigate. “Why would he invoke the name of a Kriliteran god…” Kareet said aloud, though she was mostly speaking to herself. With this new, and fairly intriguing, revelation, her focus in the moment was shifted. She simply could not let a good mystery lie without attempting to address it, and more than that, she had information that might be relevant to the others. “I…must go, must…see what is happening.” Kareet spoke up, clearly half-distracted in her own thoughts. She kept her thumb on the proper page, then closed the book and stood up to rush off after Kerchak and the others. Kareet came upon the scene just after Kolvar explained himself to the others. For a brief moment, she took note of the unusual appearance he had taken on. Off the top of her head, it was nothing she recognized, but she did her best to memorize every detail she could see. Regardless, it only made for a short delay before she started to bring up her findings. “Why is it that you told one of the Humans of your reverence for a Kriliteran deity, Kerchak?”