[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 8: 09/80 Word Count: Location: Wasp Nest Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 10/80 + at this point i have genuinely forgotten why jesse would have more exp than this in the first place. Going to have to look into it lmao[/center] [hr] — When the pilot was revealed to be a bee, Jesse was surprised that the loyalty of the wasps dried up so quickly. “They just up and fucked off, huh? Off to seek a new wasp overlord? No hard feelings or anything? Damn.” Jesse said. For a moment she had hoped they might turn on the deceiver in their anger. When the weird bee lady busted through the platform, Jesse felt bad for how little that affected her. It didn’t seem fair that she should gently float downwards from her position well above the floor while a large proportion of her teammates were suddenly in a life or death situation. The Director would have to compensate by making sure she maximized her usefulness, if she could. “The fuck?” Jesse asked with a little laugh as the bee turned into an airplane. As it began dropping bombs, however, Jesse let herself fall faster. She landed and pushed off the ground, getting back into the air as the honey plate dissolved beneath her. Sectonia helped her allies find stable ground, and some like Ganondorf took to the air as well using magic. Jesse got to work on stopping those bombs from hurting her allies and blowing up more ground. She reached out with Launch, snatching the bombs out of midair. Then she flung them into the bomber queen when she saw other bombs getting dropped, trying to take out the bomb and do damage to the queen in a single go. Though she did have to time it so Ganondorf didn’t get caught up in the explosion. “Oop, shit! Watch out! I’m chuckin’ bombs!” After doing this a few times she ran out of Energy and started using Spin to shoot the bombs out of the air and shred into the Queen’s chassis as well. “I don’t mean to jinx it, but unless there’s another, [i]smaller[/i] bee inside this one, I think we’re going to win!” Jesse called out. “Just stay the course!”