[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZCrkic.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DtnixpY.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Under - The Hive [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Experience:[/b] 91/30 ([i]Level up available[/i]) [b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i]) [/center] Rubick casted his spells everywhere, more so than he had ever done in the past. A Fade Bolt weakened a swarm of the wasps attacking the others, and some copied Fira spells from Kamek wiped out a few others. Eventually, though, the giant mecha wasp was taken out, and out emerged a... bee? The sight of it perplexed Rubick; weren't the wasps supposed to be bullying the bees? Why was there a bee inside a wasp mech? In his confusion, he stopped casting spells for a moment, which was enough of an opening for him to be directly struck by incoming fire. In response, Rubick held up his Loch Shield in one hand and used Sectonia's Chaos Heart defense ability, warding off the majority of attacks. Meanwhile, the bee had transformed into a plane and rained down bombs onto everyone. This was becoming a little too hectic of a area for him, and Rubick knew he needed to relocate. Using his Weaver's Warp, he teleported into the air, then used his Telekinesis ability to launch himself further upward. Finally, Rubick summoned a mount using Ganondorf's Phantom Steed ability to provide him a lift. He neared the aerial battle between the two bees, Sectonia and Honeybottoms, and decided to intrude. Launching himself with Telekinesis once more, Rubick laughed in delight as he Weaver's Warped onto Honeybottoms. "[color=limegreen]Greetings, friends![/color]" Rubick greeted them. "[color=limegreen]Have a gift from a Grand Magus such as myself![/color]" He then used his Wep Wrap ability on Honeybottoms, hoping the 20% accuracy wouldn't let him down. He knew he only had one shot, so the moment he fired it, he immediately jumped off in an attempt to avoid retaliation. He hoped someone would catch him, but if not, he always had his own abilities.