b][centre][H2][color=9e0039]Zulu conditions.[/color][/H2][/centre][/b] [b][centre][H2][color=9e0039]The Cult of Shadows.[/color][/H2][/centre][/b] [b][centre][H3][color=9e0039]Dark hours .[/color][/H3][/centre][/b] [color=9e0039]"Prepare, everyone, you know it's coming. The storm is clearly showing signs, Janus get the streets barricades ready, You supplies, you get a watch set up, if the drums sound it means 4th ring will become a battlefield again. You, internal, you tend the fire."[/color] Callina spoke coldly, issuing orders to ensure they had what supplies they could muster, crude defences and so on. The narrow streets favoured easy barricades. Maybe they would be useless. But they have to try. To not try would be suicide. Would the underground protect from the beast….no. it might go after easier prey though. They would try to survive the coming turmoil. Below the entry was narrow and was designed to defend. But even that would not hold back the storm. … [color=9e0039]"I know, we try, A narrow chance beats certain death."[/color]she purred later on laying back against a comfortable bed as could be made or scavenged running fingers down her fangs, drinking the blood of an animal. It was not the best but it satisfied her desires least for a time. Janus lay next to her in what passed for a private sanctuary, a room, but a room with a scavenged door. More than many had, it was probably once some room linked to this old bath long abandoned by its former masters. "The storm will take us, or it will not, nothing we can do Callina. We lack materials and crafts to truly prepare. We do the best as able" Janus spoke honestly. He, well a he right now never hid the cold truth, there was no point, if you died you died. It might be a relief as he felt his body begin another cycle of shifting. The pain.. never went away but it became part of the background. Ever present and ever could overwhelm them. "Regina would leave us to die, the rebels only care for themselves. Their bad as Each other" Janus spat harshly as they tried to hold back an armageddon that had loomed over them all their lives. [color=9e0039]"Your Truth is sharp as a dagger Janus."[/color] Callina replied but Janus. Janus just told it as it was. There was no lie. [color=9e0039]"But the signs, the shadows all haunt us.."[/color] leaning into a kiss, if death was coming. You embraced life. They would live. Funny belief for a Vampire but she was fucked in the head much as most of her band of misfits whom she considered kin. … "This is shit… even for this damned place." clothed in thickest garments the pressure changed, the rain ran harder, the moss seemed to grow under your feet almost. The storm…the storm grew ever more dangerous. "No napping. No one wants to end up a blood slave" The woman spoke with a shudder, the traitor had been left, with no limbs, no eyes, only knowing he used and kept alive to supply blood. "Watch is over soon, you're a cultist, not a coddled noble or wall wanker." The one with half a face looking bestiary with a visible tusk. "Fucking soft skinned meat bags. Fuck em all for leaving us to scrape by on moss and rottern cheese." the other spat on the floor. They would happily abbadon them for another year's security. They would drink and dance and whatever else they did in their stone halls. "Watch what ya say, they have spies about, got some rot gut, it's rough but it's strong. Need it after seeing the shadow beasts" The man offered the woman, they were all damned but damned if they did not try to live. Rot gut did exactly its name but we potent, easy to make and could be acquired pretty easily.