BEEP The moment the ringtone sounded, Sayu gasped. Her instinct made her reach over to her skirt pocket. Only to find that her skirt had no pockets and that the sound wasn't coming from anywhere near her. In fact, it sounded more like it came from inside her own head! BEEP [i]That sound again! What's going on now? How many weird things must I suffer today?![/i] BEEP! The last tone was higher pitched than the rest, followed by a bizarre sight right in front of her eyes. An envelope icon, floating in mid-air, suddenly popped into existence, blocking her sight. "Eeek!" She yelped, falling over to the forest ground butt first with her legs wide open, revealing to the world her girly, frilly white panties — the exact kind of panties she would never wear! And then, by its own volition, the icon opened, revealing a message. A message that made her jaws drop. "What?! Did it just say 'God'?! And different world? You — you gotta be joking!" "What do you mean by personal wardrobe?! Is this… is this your doing?! Were you the one who put us in these ridiculous clothes?! Give our clothes back, you pervert!" "Keep the clothes on? As if! I'll change out of it the moment I find another, less ridiculous set of clothes!" She, of course, was just yelling to thin air. But she had to! This whole thing was so outrageous she just had to protest, even if the person responsible wasn't actually there! Even after the email disappeared, the girl continued her rant. She only stopped once she was out of breath. And then, and only then, she realized she had been sitting in quite the unfortunate position. BLUSH Her cheeks turned crimson while she hurriedly closed her legs and pushed the hem of her skirt down. "Y-you idiot God!" ᅠ  5 minutes later… "Unbelievable! It's completely, totally unbelievable!" Now back on her feet, Sayu continued to rant at the others. All the while holding the hem of her skirt down with both of her hands, still reeling from the embarrassment she had just received. "A new, alternate, parallel dimension world? Are we supposed to just believe that?" The more logical side of her brain answered with a yes. After all, she just witnessed magic with her own eyes, courtesy of the bunny girl. Unfortunately, the more emotional side was still winning and once again she started to pinch her own cheeks in a futile effort to wake herself up. Suddenly, however, she froze. Her wolf ears twitched. Fear flashed on her face. "Hey… guys.. Do you hear that? It's coming closer… from that way…" "I… I think it might be some sort of a wild animal!"