[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] While House Caradoc's seat of power wasn't particularly far from the dragoon's lodge, it was still a decently long walk, made slower by the rush of people going to and fro in the early evening of inner Midgar. Izayoi sniffed slightly at the mix of scents in the air: industrial smoke, alcohol fumes, and cooking fires all assaulting her nostrils as they passed several taverns and pubs in the streets. There were even some people in Osprean dress roaming the streets, explaining the relative lack of stares her garb had gotten. Most likely peoples from the territories Edren had annexed, trying to make the best of their new lot. As much as she despised Edren's land grab, Izayoi couldn't fault those conquered for being victims in it all. The reminder of the war certainly didn't help her mood as they finally approached the gates of the Caradoc estate. The sight of Galahad had the guards wave them through with little fuss, though they recoiled upon seeing her. Likely forewarned, then. Irritating. In contrast to the industrial nightmare that comprised the rest of Midgar, House Caradoc's manor was far more akin to what someone would see in Balmung or any other noble estate in the Edrenian heartland, if more fortified than the average keep. Awaiting them in the manor's entry hall was the lord Caradoc himself, flanked by his entire bodyguard retinue and holding a sheathed sword. As the Kirins faced down the welcoming party, Izayoi removed her hat, staring her old nemesis right in the eyes. [color=#736AFF][b]"Artorias Caradoc."[/b][/color] She stated flatly, the flash of her sheathed sword beneath her cloak already causing several of the bodyguards to stiffen and tense. [color=#736AFF][b]"Do you always greet your own flesh and blood with men-at-arms? You Edrenians certainly have quite the queer habit."[/b][/color] The stern visage of Galahad's father narrowed his eyes at the remark. [b]"You live. I had thought the reports this afternoon to be mere hearsay, exaggerated to be hysteria."[/b] His grip around his scabbard tightened for a moment, but he mastered himself and looked to his son. [b]"Galahad. I send you to answer His Majesty's call, and you return with the Emperor's Demon in tow. As well as..."[/b] His gaze swept across the entire group. [b]"A [i]mage[/i], a nameless sword, and the most transparent infiltration attempt from Skael in decades."[/b] [b]"Explain."[/b]