[h3][color=thistle]Io[/color][/h3] Io simply looked down at the defeated Varjans. "[b][color=thistle]No need to worry about me.[/color][/b]" She briefly studied the warlock's body, trying to note anything of interest. She knew little about Varjan magecraft, but most of her experiences with it in the field exposed it as... unrefined. Unfortunately there was little to learn from the body either way. She gave a nod to her comrades. "[b][color=thistle]Good work. But there is likely more work from here on out.[/color][/b]" The enemies had been driven off, though Io knew that there was plenty for her to do. She turned to return to the battle line and called to mind her best restorative spells. In her body, there was the slightest twinge of something. Was it concern? Perhaps. Perhaps Io held a slight, tiny sliver of concern for the people she left at the battle lines. Human and mamono. '[color=thistle]I'll heal them if anything happened. There's no problem.[/color]' She brushed the unfamiliar feeling aside as she made her way back.