[color=f6989d][b][centre][h2]Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"[/h2][/centre][/b][/color] [b]Location[/b] Concert [b]Mood[/b] Mixed. [color=f6989d]"Hurting people is a bad way to make friends…. Or good… we are strange. "[/color] Talie smiled at the change in mood and Reya seemed not to mind the situation that they met under, it was definitely hard to forget. [color=f6989d]"My personal is on the back, you seem fun. "[/color] Talie said hopefully, in a friendly way, Reya seemed someone who she could get on with. [color=f6989d]"Zach? Red hair Rock guy … Yes, I was reminded of a bad situation with a college ex. Someone got me out of a bad spot as he turned out to be not so nice when we fell apart… and kind was paying it forward."[/color] Talie admitted honestly pausing to think how exactly to describe it. She did not want to dredge up all the grey details but the situation was not great and she had a good and honest reason for wanting to help Reya. He had turned out to be a rather rotting Yolk in a rather attractive egg, plus he really knew what to do with certain things. Only he turned out to be a creep after it broke up. [color=f6989d]"I read him wrong? He not a bad egg?"[/color] asking tentatively. Talie bit into her chocolate quietly as the old memories hit her, she did not like to mention that but Reya was owed an answer why and she was now past that time in her life. Good things now, reminding herself she had loved, learned and moved on from her not so great college dating history. Her skin turning a little more dusky at the sudden change in subject, glad of it Talie grabbed onto it like her morning coffee. [color=f6989d]"They are rather… another time, I kinda already have a rather public date of sorts."[/color] Talies eyes glanced around to check, she did not want to give herself a bad reputation. Candrawati, OK Candra she could do without causing offence by first meeting her. Talie herself went by for own reasons but Natasza was a little tricky for some people. Reya had already welcomed her and did not mind, she looked rather smart yet still female in that suit. It caused her to raise a mental eyebrow at exactly how potentially wealthy she was. That was not a cheap suit by any means. Talie herself was in a rather nice date dress and coat so was glad almost she was not only who had dressed up though! [color=f6989d]"Im Natasza, but Talie is easier and sounds less like a professional me. I'm very much off duty."[/color] Talie spoke lightly but was also kinda a difference. She was Talie, then she was also Dr Natasza Stepanova on official stuff, given how her work was variable it kept her two selves separate. [color=f6989d]"If it's local, ask Reya, I only got my posting here a few weeks ago Candra."[/color] Talie was honest, she did not want this woman to not get the help she needed. She had felt rather lost till she met Thomas who had told her where the local food shop was and how to find her house. GPS was not always 100% reliable here. [color=f6989d]"Il do my best to help though."[/color] Talie added kindly. Newcomers had to look after each other in small towns. [color=f6989d]"Nice suit."[/color] She added, Talie had to admit Candra made that look really work for her and small compliments did help break the ice. [color=f6989d]"My card, if i can help let me know"[/color] Digging a USGS card out of her bag, it had the office location, phone and a work mobile. It was not exactly what they were for but the woman reminded Talie of well. Herself. [hr] [right][sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Talie [@PrinceAlexus] & Candra [@Kumbaris] [b]Mentions:[/b] Barry, Mitch [@BeastofDestiny] & Stella [@LovelyComplex] [/sub][/right]