[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [hider=Stats] 20/13|Male/Male|Reinforcement, Beast Mystic, Melee|Duplication, Tentacles|Deity Enhanced Sustenance, Awareness, Masculinity, Fated, Sorcery, Gifted, Absolute Direction Paragon, Blessing, Clergy, Mana Fount, Gifted Item Arrogance, Unknown, Loud, Big Brother [/hider][/center] Alexander wanted to groan when a Dark Magical girl he vaguely recognized (who was eventually introduced as Chloe) tried to make a bargain for territory for the Mint in exchange for the location of some extremely important things of Wonderlands. '[color=aba000][i]And the people in the Mint wonder why they don't have the best reputation[/i][/color]' he managed to not say out loud "[color=aba000]Okay, so, just to clarify; who are you trying to make a deal with?[/color]" He asked Chloe "[color=aba000]I know Lily called this meeting, but that's not because she has any actual authority, her signing that paper wouldn't actually get you want you want. And despite several other people's claims, I'm pretty sure that we don't *actually* have a central governing body of any kind, just a couple of factions all led by different people. That's probably something that we'll have to fix sometime, but I don't think right before a bunch of crazy people invade us is really the best time for that. For now though, if this deal is going to be made, it would probably have to be with the leaders of any faction that has some kind of territory in Penrose, because they're the closest thing we actually have to a government[/color]"