[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 475 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]4[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 178/40 [b]Location[/b]: Dystopiascape Midgar, Suoh: Beacon Mental Hospital[/center] After Hanabi filled them in on what she knew of Raz's whereabouts (that being pretty much nothing as he'd literally disappeared. Pit couldn't blame her), the group of five quickly came to a consensus. They'd take the elevator down in pursuit of their missing friends - there really was no other choice to make. With some anticipation they waited for the lift to return after calling it, and then to descend again after they all piled inside. The angel was his usual fidgety self, tapping a sandal on the steel floor of the elevator. The interior was quiet, at least until the entire building shook. The tremor jostled the lift and its occupants, then it happened a couple more times. Pit blinked, his eyes wide. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What was that?"[/color] he asked, like they weren't just about to find out. Based on the sounds coming from outside the elevator, it was clear [i]something[/i] was going on, but they'd hardly expected to find a battle already in progress once the doors opened. And there was Sakura, Midna, and Gemma too! With all of the small scouting teams converging here, they had to be on the right track. Sorting that out could come after dealing with the situation at hand. The very dangerous situation, from the looks of it. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Luka!"[/color] With a beat of his wings Pit burst from the lift towards where the psychic was being drowned. He came in with a flying kick to knock Sina out of the way, and with the Upperdash Arm summoned over his limb he shattered the ice that was holding Luka under - and the entire tub along with it. Lacking in a lot of information, Pit could only piece things together from what he could see in front of him. Of the three people that had been fighting, two had the same kind of uniforms on as the other Psych-OSF agents, presumably making them Psych-OSF agents as well. Then why did the girl attack Luka? Were they double agents, or maybe mind controlled? Could psychics even [i]be[/i] mind controlled? On flip side, the person they were fighting looked to be the unfortunate result of an experiment gone wrong, together with an android with an exposed brain. They looked the part of stereotypical "bad guys," but since they were opposing the renegade Psych-OSF agents... then...??? [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Just so I know, which ones are on our side?!"[/color] He barely had a grasp on Midgar's geography, and so he was ignorant to the true danger of Dexio bringing the house down. In fact, Midna had suggested doing the very same before they entered. He stood his ground best he could while the building shook, ready to either go on the attack or, possibly, produce a heart of healing - it was the confusion of the situation that gave him pause, putting him into a defensive position instead.