>Escape Failed. The Musician fails to escape into his dreams or any sort of happy place, and appears to be trying to mask quiet crying. He has lost [b]1 Sanity[/b], and now has [b]9/10 Sanity[/b]. >Collect Succeeded. The Laborer makes a beeline for the boltcutters, lifting them with a grunt and stopping by the medicine kit as if shopping at a familiar corner store. It takes him only a few seconds to locate an antibacterial, smear it on his forehead, and wrap a headband of protective gauze over his wound. [i]Sheer survival is the familiarity[/i], he realizes in the back of his mind as he silently makes his way back into their underground cell. [i]Whatever I am, I'm a survivor.[/i] With a tight squeeze of the boltcutters, he snaps the would-be tools of his own entrapment from the wall, and picks the [abbr=40 inches of non-rusting, fire retardant chain. A lot of uses come to mind, none of them too cheery.][b]Standard Cattle Chains[/b][/abbr] off the floor to feel their heft. He gives them a mean swing, and they audibly cut through the still air of the cellar. He smiles for the first time since he has woken up, and makes his way back up the ladder, chains in tow, into the warm light of the bunker. The Laborer's Health is now [b]8/10[/b]. The [abbr=40 inches of non-rusting, fire retardant chain. A lot of uses come to mind, none of them too cheery.][b]Standard Cattle Chains[/b][/abbr] are now in his [b]Inventory[/b]. He has [b]1 Inventory Slot[/b] remaining. >Collect Succeeded. The Typist finds that the map is labeled "GORHAM ISLAND, MAINE, EST. 1901", and is scattered with tiny red dots. She doesn't remember where she's from, but she knows it's definitely not [i]Maine[/i]. She feels a distinct revulsion, realizing how many miles she must have been moved as she slept, how long that period must have been, and how far she must be from wherever home is. On the north-westernmost tip of the island there is a large yellow dot, and on the south-easternmost corner, a bridge off the island. There were a great many dots and roads between her and her new goal, but it felt good to have a goal, nonetheless. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0sqrLjx.png[/img][/center]