Alan responded with another formal tip on the rim of his hat, and a firm nod on the head. "Noted. Thank you, officer." [i]Thinks with his hands, works with his muscles,[/i] Alan had a unremarkable first impression of the foreman. Strong men deserved respect for their dedication to themselves, heck, Alan himself belonged to the demographic regardless of how concealed his form was under the layered clothes he wore. However, it was disappointing to see potential intellect be wasted on a mound of flesh and sinew daily. The large, bushy and dark moustache that contrasted with his bald-headed scalp was cute in a funny way, though. "Good evening, Mr. Howe." Alan outstreched his hand, and shook Howe's before he mirrored him at the opposite end of the desk. "Thank you for agreeing to hold an impromptu meeting this late into the night. However, it was urgent news of a predicament in the dockside factories that brought me here as a representative of the Caledon Institue of Academics in the northeastern district." With diplomacies out of the way, Alan propped up his silver-framed round glasses. "I am fairly confident to suspect the cause of the hindrance of the factories' mechanism may not be fully explained by science as of yet. In other words, of magical origin. Thereby, I humbly request your permission to investigate for myself the inoperative equipment, and perhaps gain more insight into the situation. It will not take up much of your valuable time, sir." Alan was naturally suave, and skilled in the art of obtaining people's favor with honeyed words and slight impositioning. [@Red Wizard]