[img]https://i.imgur.com/fFJjY2c.png[/img] [hr] Kohaku glanced at Shinobu. Shinobu glanced at Kohaku. Shinobu shrugged. Most of the fairy girl's outburst went over her head, and she kind of stopped paying attention after the pocket dimension bit. [color=powderblue]"I'm not sure what kinda girl deals in pocket dimensions, but thoughts and feelings, I can maybe do something about,"[/color] Shinobu offered, putting away her phone uselessly. The creature moved way too fast to properly focus on it. She continued to listen to the girl's plight, figuring that if she was on a drug trip, the best thing she could do, in the interest of everyone's safety (and the safety of her career) was to stay put and wait it out until one of her coworkers, who were hopefully sober and only playing along with this scenario in her mind, would pick her slobbering face off the floor, call 119, and keep her breathing until the paramedics arrived. Hopefully, she couldn't go anywhere, but if she could, it'd be better if she didn't. She kept listening, and eventually Lux mentioned the possibility of turning her into a magical girl, and at that, Shinobu couldn't help but laugh. [color=powderblue]"Bwahahahaha! A thirty-year-old magical..!"[/color] she burst out laughing, quickly losing her breath. [color=powderblue]"Sure why not?! Let me be a [i]beacon of justice!"[/i][/color] she volunteered immediately, still wheezing. Shinobu didn't see a point in staying in her work-mode counselor persona if she was tripping out. A few of her coworkers had already seen the party animal behind the curtain, and at least one of them had probably blabbed to the others about it by now. If she was going to have a day off in the hospital anyway, she might as well let herself get swept away in this fun little "pocket dimension" the fairy had planned.