[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230827/2b518f2640640e2775f5266a037cafac.png[/img][/center] The Fairy, called Lux explained that someone was in danger, but didn’t know who. That wasn’t very helpful… Anyway, she went on to explain that there was a force called the shroud that was making wraiths out of the worst of someone’s thoughts. It was both confusing and intriguing to Emiko. According to Lux they were able to help them by becoming Magical Girls. First she had to reprimand Kohaku. [color=lavender]“Hey! Those shows are not just for children! Anybody can enjoy a series about magic, adventure, and the power of friendship!”[/color] But even if she did like this premise, even she had to giggle. [color=lavender]“Although, even I have to agree. I’ve been told I act youthful, I’m a bit older than your usual magical girl.”[/color] She smirked and winked. Still, she didn’t give it too much thought. She was on board the second Lux said Magical Girl. [color=lavender]“But, if it will help the students, I’m in!”[/color] Maybe this magical adventure could be fun. And even better, maybe Andrew would take an interest in her… She glanced at him for a second, then shook off those thought. Ok… probably not… But at least she could help the students. Isn’t that what a teacher was supposed to do?