[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (10/110) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Hive [b]Word Count:[/b] Less than 750. [/center] It seemed this false queen had a trump card all along, a powerful gravity spell that would have brought everyone into the honey pit if it wasn't for a combination of Sectonia's crystal platform, and knight Barnabee sacrificing himself in yet another 'final smash' to end the false queen and save everyone, avenging his queen. A queen that had been long dead everyone found out as they progressed into the throne room proper, Barnabee perishing soon after seeing his queen. A bit of a somber end all things considered. However inside the chamber behind the throne room, the treasure room, three were a fair amount of very nice goodies. The most potent of which being an orb that, when Nadia touched it, returned her back to normal, with all the stuff she had fused with laid out before her. And with that choice, Nadia could change how she fused with stuff, and all in all, it was a very powerful item. Speaking of spirits, Sectonia grabbed the rumor spirit and alongside the iron queen spirit she was going to put into her wings using the Snackvator, decided to fuse. She wasn't sure exactly how the rumor one would go, just placing it on a part would probably be.... pretty poor. She did take a final smash to remove from the board, so there was that. Although Sectonia hoped she could turn someone else into that plane... [hider=For Sectonia] Notable spirit consumed: [b]Iron Queen[/b] Sectonia’s cape has returned to its original wing based structure, however its structure is now made from a striking bronze rather than its original gold material. In addition, numerous trailing ribbons now hang from her wings, all fluttering in the breeze even if there is none to be found. These are passively white, but when the queen is in rapid motion or in the depth of casting, they shift to the spacy blue of the inside of Bleck’s cape, out of which small stars seem to fall, either trailing behind when she is on the move, or radiating out from her when she display the full might of her magic. Strength of Gaia: the queen has gained the strength of the living earth, enhancing her physical strength by 20% and giving her proficiency in earth and nature magic (allowing her to more easily learn and cast such spells). She can also form a layer of rapidly regenerating bark over her chitin when in combat. This bark has a collective vitality equivalent to 10% of her hitpoints, and will regenerate any damage done to it in just a few seconds. The bark is, naturally, vulnerable to fire. Weakness: Rooted Magic: Sectonia’s magic is now drawn from the might of the leaving earth, meaning that the further she is from the ground, the slower her energy regenerates. For every meter she is above the ground, any spellcasting she does using her own power is 25% more taxing on her stamina reserves (externally furled casting such as chaos heart magic is exempt). Notable spirit consumed: [b][url=https://i.imgur.com/ZubAdnQ.png]Rumor Honeybottoms[/url][/b] The host’s blue ‘skin’ has turned black, with horizontal yellow stripes of appreciable thickness. Her head, torso, waist, and abdomen are all a bit rounder and more clearly divided. Her irises are a bit smaller and her eyes and more pronounced whites, which alongside dark eyelashes help make her eyes a lot more visually expressive. There are little cartoon divets in the side of each iris. Her crown is slightly smaller, more golden, and has orbs at the tip of each spire. She now has arms that connect her gloves to her big, poofy shoulders, black in color. This spirit confers the Power [b]Prism Sentence[/b], which grants access to two new spells. One summons a purple tetrahedron that fires off pink triangles from its tips three times as it flies around. The other summons a shimmery pink sphere that will home in on a desired target. Both have a low mana cost and can be cast quickly. This spirit also confers the Weakness [b]Cast Aspersions[/b], which requires the host to use a casting catalyst of some sort in order to cast spells. [/hider] Sectonia found these new spirits... Well, the iron queen one brought back her majesty a bit, the rumor one though... she wasn't a fan of the color scheme it added. It did exemplify her curves a bit more though, so if she could only change the color she wouldn't be so against it. The arms she figured she'd have to just learn to live with. Seems like basically any spirit with limbs was going to give her some, and basically everyone had them. [color=92278f]"The wings worked right, but I'm not a fan of this... color scheme. I suppose I'll have to find a way to fix that later."[/color] Sectonia said. Also this bee queen had some... horrible starting spells all things considered. It would make Sectonia's projectile spam even more unbearable. The big thing was that this gave her access to more male spirits, with the two female spirits not changing her all that much, but for sure saving her from that... side effect. Either way, that wasn't the end of everything. Beyond the spirits was all the loot. A ton of it besides the respec orb. Seeing as none of the other magic users could even lift it, Sectonia took the staff that Rumor had been using, noting that it was solid enough to be as powerful as her swords while having no limit on what spell it could cast. She did find out rather quickly however she needed to channel her summoning and rings of light through this staff now, a bit annoying but not all that bad. Her magic from that hatted man she absorbed, the one that controlled space and time, didn't need to be channeled through her staff. Out of all the other items found or crushed however, Sectonia was only interested in the Unstable Tesla Coil. [color=92278f]"That is the only item of the treasure hoard I'm interested in."[/color] Sectonia said, letting the others divvy out the gold. She then reminded everyone if they had some kind of passive trinket item, she could make it so they didn't have to carry it on their person, smelting the tesla coil to give herself the electric aura. With this and how poor her accuracy was, she'd need to be in close range more it seemed. [hider=For Sectonia] An Unstable Tesla Coil: a lanturn sized accessory that, when equipped will send up to three beams of electricity to zap foes within 1.5 meters of the wearer for low but constant damage. Nearby minions will auto target foes struck by this electricity. It also can be used to attract metal ores from a small distance away. [/hider] As for the talk of a 'reward' for liberating the bees. [color=92278f]"They will also want a new Queen, obviously. We will have to find a candidate."[/color] Sectonia said. Not to subtly hinting that while she is a queen, she would rather have a much bigger kingdom than this hole in the ground.