[quote=@Kidgoat] Figure I should bump the thread with a small sleuth of questions and hope for some more traction. The hype in me has only been rising since Tuesday! - How many players are you hoping would join? Do you intend on making a PC yourself or will you stick to being the GM? Do you have a clear cut idea for each weapon and their zones? - Concerning stats, does Mind refer to how smart someone is or how cool headed they are? Does Agility stem from one's physical finesse or is any gear accounted for as well? Is Dexterity and sleight of hand also accounted for in Agility? [/quote] Thanks for the bump, I had been working on the thread a bit more the past few days but hadn’t thought to push it back up to the top. I’m that the idea is resonating with you, and I’d be more then happy to answer those questions. As far as player amount I’m shooting around 5 or so currently, I’m not that well known in the casual section so I don’t pull any interest from previous experiences. So I figure 5 would be a nice safe number to aim for, now of course if I get more interest then that, I’d be more then willing to accommodate a larger number up to 8 or so. As for what each weapon of the seven is and those zones of location, I do have the first few in mind already, I figure once a few as completed I’d turn my energy to the next couple and learn a few things from the course of the RP to make any modifications or adaptations that I think will be necessary. As far as what I’ll do character wise, I do intend to have a few personally, as I find it easier to guide along things with involvement of my own characters to drive forth the plot, or serve as important figures, and of course all members of the Denizens. I plan on making a more detailed section for each attribute in the future to help clarify those points. But for now, Mind does not govern personality related behaviors like how coolheaded someone is. It also isn’t fully just the intelligence. Mind will govern how well a character can accomplish certain puzzles, figure out traps, withstand certain magic, such as Illusions. As for agility, that is the speed of the character, and how nimble they are, so basically how well one can dodge an attack, or how well one can maneuver through a tricky trap or obstacles. Sleight of hand and dexterity can fit into this area, and of course depending on gear, it can either lower or increase one’s agility. However Body also comes into play, as the higher body total, the less effect certain gear will have on agility of the heavier quality. So one can either be a little bit balanced and inbetween or specialized heavily into one or the other. Hopefully this answered most of what you wished to know, I’m currently on my phone so it makes it a little harder at times to make sure I fit everything in.