That all sounds pretty good. I'm hoping you gather more interest as well. Right now, I'm thinking mostly about the worldbuilding present and what elements we have to work with for characters. I like the idea of a combination of fantasy and sci fi that pull in all sorts of magical and otherworldly elements. So as a sort of barometer for what sort of liberties we can take with the setting, maybe I could run my current idea by you? I was thinking about a character stemming from the legacy of an eldritch horror, essentially a Lovecraftian elder goddess that at some point descended upon the world and attempted to propagate itself across the world. However, in its blind instinct to spread itself it quickly got noticed by the people of the nation it manifested in, and before too long its spawn were defeated and its influence beaten back until it was seemingly destroyed, although some of the entity managed to hide itself away. Closer to the present, the entity would have emerged again with a different strategy, planning not to win by force but by guile. In this manner it would appeal to lonely, broken humans who'd grown disillusioned with love, their lives, or the world, and remake such willing converts into her own Dark Young to go out and seek more souls in need of 'healing', using modern methods like door-to-door evangelism, social media, and dating apps. Essentially an eldritch cult, and my character would be one such person who gave up on herself and was transformed, except in this new state of being she turned out to be kind of a bumbling idiot who's strong and likes fighting but is terrible at being a cultist. So her 'mom' is sending her out on a wild goose chase in hopes that if she actually finds any Weapons, they might help the cult take over the world. What do you think?