Not a problem, I never mind hearing out ideas or questions. As for the idea, it is acceptable, I have no qualms with you taking that approach. I'm not particularly picky when it comes to how players decide upon their characters lore/background/etc. The only thing I would have any say about is if it interferes, or supersedes something that is established. I'd only request that whatever power this goddess has, is limited in scope, but from your description it sounds like she very well is to a good degree. So for that reason I'd be totally fine with it, if that is the route you wish to pursue. I figure in this style of world, there will be many different beliefs, some more obscure then others, so there is flexibility when it comes to that area. I also want to leave up the motivations for why each players character joined the team against the Denizens. As it feels much more natural that not all of them are in it for the greater good aspect, which leads to natural conflict and disagreements between allies, which only seems human. So you have the green light as far as I'm concerned with how you would like to approach this character you have in mind.